26- The Quirk

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They would be watching your every movement on UA grounds, if you're out here you'll be in the clear. Since it's free day they expect you to leave.

I nod, surprisingly he's smarter than I thought. I then hear a scream in an alleyway

"Target locked." I say with a smirk



Three robberies, five assaults, and one guys just being an ass. I think that's enough for today don't you think?

Yeah head back to UA, wait Midoriya someones approaching you from behind I can't tell who.

I quickly grab my knife and tiptoe around the roof. I then hear something and turn but it's to late I am punched in the gut and fly across the roof, almost flying off.

Who is it All For One.

With that mask and hood I can't tell. Fight your best they're strong.

I get up a bit wobbly and charge the person, I try and make out there face. Just when I'm about to I get kicked and wrapped in something.


That voice, this capture weapon..Aizawa.

"Sensei, what the hell are you doing." I  watch as Aizawa takes off his hood and mask.

"You aren't supposed to be out here without me, what if I were an actual villain." I sigh and rub the back of my head.

"Sorry, I just thought that you looked ill after I last spoken to you. Can you let me go this capture weapon, it's a bit tight." Aizawa sighs and walks over to me, he approaches me and lowers my neck collar.

"What the hell! Let me go!" I feel Aizawa touch my healing scar, it makes me flinch. I stare at Aizawa and he finally lets me go. I take deep breaths.

"It wasn't even that tight, you're overreacting. Midoriya can you tell me something." I get an uneasy feeling but nod anyways.

"That healing scar of yours it looks good now but they showed me a photo of what it looked like before it healed. What happened when you were kidnapped." The question makes me freeze, flashes of the event flash before my eyes.


I watch as Midoriya goes wide eyed, he falls to his knees I immediately rush to his side.

"Hey hey, you ok?" I ask.

"No, stay away from me! STAY AWAY!" I suddenly get hit in the chest sending me flying. I look up at Midoriya to see red stuff coming out of his hands, he looks at his own hands with wide eyes then he crashes to the ground. Only for the power to immense.

That almost looks like All For One's quirk when battling All Might. What if the quirk that was given to him WAS All For One.. I think to myself.

 I think to myself

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