8- Hero Killer

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Midoriya stepped inside the classroom seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces. "Introduce yourself then sit behind Bakugou, you already know who he is." Aizawa said.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya or known as Reject the vigilante I am quirkless. Some of you saw me at USJ, I don't plan on being friends with anyone." Midoriya said as he moved towards his seat ignoring the glares from other students.

"Anyways you guys should've started interning with the pro heroes you chose. Reject you are with me Interning, you don't really have a choice." 

 Midoriya just sighed and laid his head down on the desk and slowly fell asleep. 


The bell woke Midoriya up, he knew this was the lunch bell so he went and got his lunch than sat down at some empty table. 

Peace. Midoriya thought.

"Hey you're that new kid in class 1A, Midoriya right? Or Reject. How'd someone without a quirk get in this school!" 

No peace. Midoriya thought as he sighed and turned to look at the student who had blue eyes and blonde hair. 

Definitely not someone in my class. Midoriya thought, "Listen bud, I don't know who you think you  are to come up to me but just go bother someone else please, for your sake." Midoriya said.

"Class 1A student threatening me. HEAR THAT EVERYONE THIS STUDENT IN CLASS 1A JUST THREATENED ME!" The student yelled as he stood up on his stool point at Midoriya.

"It was a warning." Midoriya said as he kicked the stool the student was standing on causing him to fall on his back. 

"What the!" The student said standing up and charging Midoriya, he threw a punch which Midoriya which he easily sidestepped, he punched the student in the stomach which caused the student to fall on the ground coughing. 

Midoriya looked around to see everyone staring at the scene. Then a familiar capture weapon wrapped around Midoriya's torso and arms.

"Seriously it's only been a few hours, lets just go to the principal." Aizawa said with a sigh.


"He fought Monoma." Aizawa said as he opened the door to Nezu's office. 

"Well this Monoma totally deserved it." Midoriya said. Nezu sighed, "Who threw the first punch?" 

"I mean I did kick the chair that he was standing on, other than that he hit first." Midoriya said with a smirk

"No patrolling for you tonight." 


"Watch your tone problem child, besides it's quite obvious you wouldn't care about detention." Aizawa said. 

"You need to find your dorm and unpack your stuff, besides Aizawa's patrolling tonight so don't worry." Nezu said calmly, Midoriya sighed.


"You guys should go, it's settled no patrolling for you." Nezu said waving the two off. 

With that Midoriya and Aizawa walked out of the office heading towards the classroom. 

"You know you should try and make friends it'll benefit you, trust me." Aizawa said. 


Aizawa and Midoriya were approaching the class door.

"No" Midoriya said answering Aizawa as he walked into class.

Midoriya was pretty bored so he started playing with his pencil mid class, when someone slammed their hand on his desk. Bakugou had done it, he looked around to see others walking towards his desk. 

"Go away." Midoriya said clearly annoyed. 

"Aizawa-Sensei told us to come and greet you ribbit" the frog girl from USJ said to Midoriya. Midoriya sighed, "Ok one at a time tell me your name and quirk." 

"My name is Tenya Iida, put call me Iida. My quirk is engine!" Iida said while point at his legs which had what kind of resembled car engines. 

"My name is Kirishima, this next to me is Denki! My quirk is hardening" Kirishima said as he hardened his hand. 

The yellow haired male next to him said, "My quirk is lightning, I can produce 3 million volts before becoming a bit fried I guess you could say." 

These are the two that were with Bakugou that one time. Midoriya thought. "I believe we've met, you probably don't remember since it was a while back." 

"We do!" They said in unison.

The rest of the students then introduced themselves, overall it wasn't as bad as he thought. 


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"Midoriya stay here." Aizawa said, Midoriya huffed but cooperated. Once all the students left Aizawa walked over to Midoriya desk. 

"Listen Midoriya I understand it's pretty difficult but it's really not that ba-" "I enjoyed it." Midoriya interrupted. 

"Show me where my dorm is so I can unpack my stuff." Midoriya said they both walked out.

Fast forward cause I can ;)

Midoriya was now in his dorm everything was unpacked, he was annoyed and had nothing to do. 

Maybe I should just go, I mean how much trouble can I really get in, Everyones at interns, I can't possibly get caught. Midoriya thought as he stared at his vigilante outfit.

"Fuck it." Midoriya said with a smirk as he put his vigilante outfit on and snuck out. 


Easy enough. Now what roof to sit o- Midoriya stopped and listened he heard grunting in an alleyway nearby, he looked around the corner into the alleyway where he heard the sound. 

HERO KILLER AND TENYA IIDA, CRAP HE'S IN DANGER I HAVE TO HELP, BUT I NEED BACK UP. Midoriya quickly picked up his phone and texted the first phone number, Shoto Todoroki. He sent him his location along with.. 

'I need backup please come' 

Midoriya put his phone in his pocket and charged the Hero Killer

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