10- Friends..

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I sat in the chair. Aizawa stood behind me as I sat, which made me a bit uncomfortable but I believe I have no say in what he does. 

"So what's going on? Did I do something?" I said as calmly as I could, they all just stared at me.

Awkward... I thought as they all just stared at me in silence.

 "Ok Midoriya glad to see you again if you've forgotten I am detective Tsukauchi and I'm going to be asking you a few questions." I nod, happy he broke the painfully long silence. 

"You know about the event in Hosu, yes?" Tsukauchi said, "Of course." I said answered. 


"Midoriya were you in your dorm at the time." "No." 


"Where were you then." Tsukauchi said in a stern voice. 


"Midoriya we need you to answer, where were you." Aizawa said as he grabbed my shoulders. "Don't touch me." I said as I pushed both hands off my shoulders, Aizawa then wrapped his capture weapon around me strapping me to the chair.

To tight damnit, can't breathe.. I thought as I struggled. 

"Midoriya, last time I ask you where were you during the time." Tsukauchi said, my vision was becoming blurry I looked down. "I fought along side Iida and Shoto." 


Tsukauchi nodded his head towards Aizawa and he let me go. I took at deep breathe before looking up to see Nezu who shook his head in disapproval. 

"Listen Midoriya, I wasn't going to send you to this training camp we have coming up in about a month, sorry in advance but now you will be going."

Are you kidding me a dumb camp?! I thought as I stood up and left the room slamming the door.


Stupid Rat thing, stupid students, stupid training camp. Midoriya thought as he tossed a ball in the air whilst laying on his bed. Then a knock at his door, "Go away I'm not here." 

"Midoriya open the door, it's me." Midoriya walked to the door and opened it. Shoto Todoroki stood there. "What." Midoriya said 

"You looked pretty mad when I saw you walk out of Nezu's office, I'm assuming he found out. I just came to check on you." Shoto said.

This kind of made Midoriya happy but he pushed the feelings aside and slammed the door in Shoto's face. "If that's all leave." Midoriya said as he heard Shoto's footsteps walk away.

I guess I was a bit harsh, oh well.  Midoriya thought as he drifted of to sleep.


Midoriya slammed his alarm shattering it into pieces. 

Great. Midoriya thought as he quickly picked up bits of the alarm, changed into his uniform and went to class.

Midoriya opened the door to his class, "HELLO! Midoriya correct?" some brown haired girl said, "Yes that's me, you're Ochako Uraraka?" Midoriya said as he walked to his desk the girl following him. The girl nodded.

Her quirk is Anti gravity, able to touch someone or something and make it float. Interesting. Midoriya thought as he stared at the girl, he must've been staring to long since she started becoming red. "My bad I zoned out." Midoriya thought as he looked away.

"I-It's fine really haha!" Uraraka said, she then went towards her desk and waved "Hope to talk to you more!" 

"Sure." Midoriya said. 

Then he felt poking from behind him, he turned around. "Mineta, what do you want." Midoriya had already taken a disliking to this one ,he was a total perv. 

"Yo Midoriya how do you keep getting all the girls. Teach me your ways." Mineta whispered to Midoriya. 

"I don't know maybe try being a decent human being for once." Midoriya said, with that Mineta went right back to his seat. 

Balls on his head that are very sticky, can be useful if used correctly. Midoriya thought.

Then Aizawa walked in and class started.

Time skipppp :) 


Finally, lunch. Midoriya thought as he made his way there gaining a few glares, the usual. He was making his way to his seat where he sat by himself. "Midoriya! Sit with us!" Uraraka yelled, Midoriya rolled his eyes but went to sit down next to Iida across from Uraraka. 

He ate in silence, he felt eyes staring at him so he looked up to see Uraraka staring him down. He raised an eyebrow towards her and she went red.

 "Sorry! I must be sick!" Uraraka said while fake coughing.

"Ok." Midoriya said as he went back to eating his food. 

"Uraraka if you're sick you should go to the recovery girl and leave the school immediately! We wouldn't want you to get anyone else sick!" Iida said making some weird hand motion. 

"N-No I'm fine haha!" Uraraka said. 

"So Midoriya, did you mean what you said when you first came into our class?" Shoto suddenly said making Midoriya jump.

"You were so quiet I didn't even know you were here, my bad. Also remind me what I said." 

"You said you didn't want to make friends? Is that true?" Uraraka asked, everyone's eyes were on Midoriya as he pondered it. "Yes, I meant it." Midoriya said as he went back to eating. 

"I know it's wrong, but I don't want you guys to get involved with my life. I don't want the fear of being stabbed in the back. I don't want to have to fear of losing you guys. Which is why I can't get close to anyone, truly I'm sorry." Midoriya said to them, he stood up beginning to walk away but Iida grabbed his arm violently. 

"Midoriya. This isn't healthy for you, I am informing Aizawa!" With that Midoriya's eyes went wide and he kicked Iida in the head knocking him out cold. Shoto froze Midoriya in his ice and went to Iida's aid.

I'm sorry, you are all to kind and don't deserve to has a shitty friend like me, so I will do everything in my power to make you guys stay away from me, for your sakes. Midoriya thought as he went unconscious.


"Go call recovery girl now Uraraka!" I yelled at her and she ran, I looked at Midoriya who was now unconscious, I looked around and everyone in the lunchroom had their eyes on us. I looked down at Iida, he was going to get a pretty bad bruise from that kick.

If you really want us to stay away from you so bad, so be it Midoriya. We'll stay away from you. Shoto thought as he now looked at the unconscious Midoriya with hatred. 

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