23- Trust

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Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Eri I'm coming to save you and nothing will stop me. I then drift off to sleep.



Today's the day we're in the suspected location of Overhaul, I am eager to ahead of everyone but I have to stand by Aizawa. Currently we're running in a long hallway, Mirio went ahead of us with his quirk that allows him to go him to go through walls

"This hallway never seems to end!" I shout annoyed. 

"This is why we shouldn't bring kids on a mission." Rock Lock says while eyeing me down, I glare at him and he breaks eye contact. All of a sudden the walls and ground seem to be moving, my eyes shoot to someone in a wall I don't hesitate to grab a knife and throw it at the person, I hear a scream in agony then the walls stop moving, a man falls.

"Midoriya! Catch him!" Nighteye shouts, I roll my eyes but catch the man. I see the knife I threw in his arm, I pull it out and he screams.

What a baby.

"We need to see if we can get any information out of him." NIghteye says, I nod and walk away from him. I walk towards Aizawa who is on lookout.

"Midoriya you're doing well. Stay beside me unless I say otherwise." Aizawa says, I nod and start cleaning the blood off my knife. Then the ground starts shifting again I see the man activated his quirk I then am pulled by Aizawa. He saved me from being crushed by a wall.

"Thanks." I say.

"Don't mention it, hmm why would the separate us now?" Aizawa says, then we hear a scream from Rock Lock. I go towards the sound and kick the wall down, I surprise myself with my own strength but don't waste time. 

"Another me appeared from behind me and tried stabbing me, be careful." Rock Lock says I go to make sure he's ok while Aizawa examines the body. Then Rock Lock suddenly pulls a knife on me, I scream. Aizawa uses his quirk on Rock Lock which makes him shift into the blonde girl from the league, Toga.

"Toga!" I get my knife out and block her attack.

"Izuku! You remember me! I'm so glad!" Toga says.

 The way her voice sounds makes me freeze, thankfully she gets caught by the arm in Aizawa's capture weapon. She ends up stabbing Aizawa in the back, then is sent flying into a rock wall.

"What's their goal in all this.." I say then go to accompany Aizawa.

"No, go. I'll stay with Rock Lock." I am hesitant but nod and run back into the long hallway continuing forward by myself.

This is probably not smart..I should've waited for someone else.

I then hear a scream echo through the hallway I run towards it, that scream was Mirio..

"Damnit Mirio you better not die on me!" I shout through the hallway.

I then approach a dead end in the hallway. "They must be on the other side of this wall." I say to myself then I punch the wall causing it to go to shatters. I see that Mirio is holding Eri while Overhaul has something in his hand, a gun that holds the drug.

He's planning on using that on Mirio. I think to myself as I make my way to Overhaul who's to slow to react, I punch him in the face sending him flying. I run towards Eri and Mirio luckily he wasn't shot, he's just injured. 

"I'll hold him off, Mirio take Eri and run." I say, Mirio struggles to get up but is able to, he leads Eri out of the room. I turn back to Overhaul who looks very angry, I smirk at the sight.

"Midoriya. I warned you to not get involved."  I freeze in shock becoming reminded of the nightmare.

No, he's just getting in my head, It was just a nightmare! 

Overhaul then places his hand on the ground causing large stone spikes to be sent at me I luckily dodge it. 

"You're a shitty person, you know that Overhaul." I say as I continue to dodge his spikes purposefully trying to irritate him. 

It works. 

Overhaul then sends large spike at me I jump in the air he immediately sends more spikes.

"Shit!" I end up landing on a spike causing it to pierce my leg I grunt in pain. I hear Overhaul chuckle, then I hear someone shout my name.

"Midoriya!" Both Aizawa and Nighteye shouts in sync, I look over to them with wide eyes. Aizawa erases Overhauls quirk and Nighteye rushes towards me. 

"That looks painful, sit out for a bit I'll take him." I nod and move to the side watching the fight. I realize that Aizawa isn't in sight anymore. I stand up only to fall once again in pain.

Damnit where did he go? My thoughts are interrupted by a shout.

"Midoriya! DODGE!" Nighteye shouts, I look back towards the fight to see spikes heading for me luckily I dodge. I then get a eerie feeling, I look around to see if anyone else is nearby then I hear a shout from Nighteye. I look back and see he's been impaled by a spike..

My eyes go wide at the sight,  Overhaul laughing at the sight is the last thing I hear before my ears start ringing, and vision goes blurry. 

It's all my fault..that should've been me. I will avenge you Nighteye, Overhaul will suffer.

My vision and ears go back to normal, I realize the whole time I was zoned out I was dodging Overhauls spikes. I then hear footstep behind me to see Eri.

"No.." I say to myself at the sight of Eri.

"Stop it! Let them live!" She shouts.

"Eri no! Go back to Mirio now!" I say with a fake reassuring smile, which she doesn't buy.

"Anything and everything you do Eri leads to peoples death. Come here let's leave." Overhaul says then her turns to me. "Your basically torturing her by coming, she doesn't want you to save her. This was all a waste of time and effort." Overhaul says with a smirk. 

Weak. I'm to weak! need to save Eri!

"You're crying aren't you Eri! You know you don't want to go with that man! DON'T LET HIM TAKE YOU!" I shout as I watch as Eri go and stand next to Overhaul in tears.

She's about to slip from my grasp once again..

I watch as Overhaul and Eri start going up a pillar towards the surface. I watch helplessly.

Midoriya. I can help just say the words.

I jolt at the new voice, grabbing a knife and turning to see no one.. 

I'm going crazy now..

No Midoriya, I'm in your head. I can help you become stronger just say the words.

I look back up and Eri slowly being taken to the surface, It seems like they're moving slower I look around to see everything is slowing down. 

Why should I trust you. I don't even know who you are.

It doesn't matter who I am, just know I'm your last option Midoriya. Now do you want to save the girl or not.

I pause for a moment looking at Eri, tears filling her eyes. I look at her bandages and think of all the things Overhaul could've done to her. 

Yes, I want to save her, make me stronger. Please.

The names All For One.

My eyes widen, I hear All For One laugh in my head then times seems to go back to normal.

I trust you All For One..

I won't betray that trust. Fight Midoriya.

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