3- Patrol

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I am worried for tonight, going on patrol for the first time this was a BIG DEAL. Ok maybe I was being a bit overdramatic but still, I am nervous. Midoriya thought. 

Midoriya decided to go out and train even though he didn't have to, he couldn't handle being cooped up in his room waiting for the time to come, so he wanted to go to the beach to train random skills in order to get his mind off it. 

I was running to the beach when I bumped into someone in a hoodie, I said "My bad, Sorry!" I turned to see who it was an saw none other than Katsuki Bakugou, I panicked a bit then tried to continue to run off when he grabbed my arm.


yep, still the same Kacchan (Nickname for Bakugou).  Thought Midoriya. "Please stop yelling, I am going somewhere, it's really none your concern. Kacchan.." Bakugou looked taken back by Midoriya's sudden change in personality, which angered Bakugou even more. After all they used to be childhood friends.



The class roared after Bakugou's rude comment saying, "You all will probably end up with some lame ass hero being their sidekick, while I become number 1 hero." Bakugou was impressed with himself as he was the only one able to attend U.A. the best hero school in all Japan. 

Or so he thought..

"Midoriya, you are also going to be attending U.A. correct?" 

"DEKU! ATTENDING U.A. FUNNY JOKE TEACHER, YOU CAN'T BE A QUIRKLESS HERO!" Bakugou said then the whole class started laugh at Midoriya agreeing with Bakugou. 

"Yes! I will be attending U.A! I will be a hero!" Midoriya said, in which Bakugou glared at Midoriya which Midoriya immediately cowered losing all his somewhat confidence. Then the bell rang. Midoriya was going to grab his notebook then Bakugou grabbed it.

"Whats in here? hmm.." he said while opening the notebook. Midoriya got up and tried to grab it but Bakugou simply put his hand out and blasted Midoriya sending him flying towards the wall. 

I hate his powerful quirk, explosions. Thought Midoriya. He studied his quirk and many other of his classmates quirks. "Is that you Bakugou?! What is this some kind of analysis of him, wait is that our other classmates?!" Said Bakugou's "Friend" Bakugou didn't really consider people friends, he was just popular and gained the naturally. 

"Heh, what a nerd right Bakugou?" 

"Got that right dipshit." Bakugou said as he blasted the notebook towards the wall. "You can be a hero Midoriya, try becoming a police officer or something realistic for your kind. If that isn't good enough, go take a swan dive off a building and hope for a quirk in your next life." 

With that Bakugou and his "friends" walked away leaving Midoriya crushed. It was a normal feeling, this happened often he still cared about Bakugou though. He always looked up to him hoping to pass him someday..


Bakugou was about to yell at Midoriya when a red headed, and yellow headed male possibly friend came and calmed Bakugou down. Midoriya just stood there checking the time, It was 3 PM. He only 3 hours till patrol. He looked up and was about to walk away when the Yellow headed male said "Yo who are you? Didn't know Bakugou had childhood friends?!"The yellow headed male said while elbowing Bakugou a bit. Midoriya stayed silent "HE ISN'T MY FRIEND, WE JUST KNOW EACH OTHER!" Bakugou shouted at his 2 friends who laughed it off. 

"I better get going sorry for bumping into you Bakugou, I hope we don't run into each other again honestly." with that Midoriya left Bakugou and his friends in shock. 

he had trained at the beach for 2 hours making it home at 5 pm, an hour before the big event of the day. Patrolling. He put his costume on, he then met his mother in the kitchen and they both ate. 

"Zuzu, when we're both on patrol we need to be alert at all times, You WILL refer to me by my vigilante name and I'll do the same for you. If they find out we are related by blood, or if someone slips up a name we're screwed. Understand?" "I understand mom." 

"Good." Inko reached into a bag and pulled out a mask and said "Put it on, it'll cover your face, added in voice changer." Inko said with a wink "Sweet!" Midoriya said. He put it on and said "Hello!" his voice seemed deeper. "Woah, this is cool, thank ma." 

"Ready Reject?" Inko said "Of course I am Moon."


"Ok reject, go to that roof, I'll go to the one right across." Inko said while point to the roof Midoriya was going to have to go to. "Go it."

Midoriya got on the roof and heard his phone buzz, Inko texted him 

INKO : Not fast enough

Midoriya : Whatever lol

With that Midoriya put his phone away giggling a bit from the small conversation, he heard a scream he look at his mom who motioned for him to go, he was going to do this by himself.  

Midoriya quickly ran to the alley where the incident was happening, It was a mother and possibly her daughter being robbed. Midoriya ran towards the man and he didn't seem to notice Midoriya till the last second, Midoriya jabbed then man in the throat and kicked his stomach. 

He immediately went unconscious, Midoriya then turned to the mother and little girl and said "You guys hurt?" the shook their heads no. He gave them a thumbs up then said "If you guys have a phone, can you call the cops telling them this location?" They did as Midoriya said. 

Midoriya grabbed a pen out of his pocket and wrote 'Reject Was Here' On the unconscious mans forehead. he then heard sirens and climbed the side of the building before looking at the mother and possible daughter giving them a 2 fingered salute then disappearing. 

He went back to his roof, seeing his mom wasn't there she was probably dealing with her own trouble that's when he heard a snap behind him. He got up and turned around dodging an attack by sidestepping it, he grabbed then persons arm and kicked the person legs out from under them, the person landing on their face. Midoriya then pressed the arm against the persons back, about to break it.

"It's just me Reject! Calm down before you break my arm!" Inko said. Midoriya got off Inko and said "Sorry Moon, next time don't scare me maybe?" Midoriya said with a smirk. which in turn got Inko to roll her eyes. 

"I'm tired, I took out 3 people." Inko said "How about you Reject?" I took down one robber." Midoriya said a bit annoyed then he was smacked on the back of the head. "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR MOON!?" Inko laughed at Midoriya. 

Then they both heard a noise behind them, they turned around quickly getting into a fighting stance to see pro heroes EraserHead, Present Mic, and Midnight.

"Shit." Inko and Midoriya said in unison 

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