11- Selfish.

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!SELF HARM DURING! (Warning will be given)


I woke up to a bright light in the ceiling, I sat up.

Why am I in here? What happened?  I thought trying to remember, I looked around to see an old little lady. 

"You're awake, it's been a few hours schools, over now young man. You really shouldn't be picking fights!" The old lady said as she hit me in the back of the head with a cane. 

"OW! Also fights? What do you mean, where am I?" I asked, the lady looked at me for a second as if I were dumb. I raised an eyebrow expecting her to answer.

"You actually don't remember Midoriya? You picked a fight with Iida and Shoto froze you, then you went unconscious. You're in the recovery room at UA." said someone in the shadows of the corner. They came out and it was Aizawa.

I remembered. 

"Oh, I remember now." I said in a monotone voice, I started getting up.

"Sit." Aizawa said as his hair floated up and his eyes turned red. I sat down, I would be lying if I said that didn't terrify me, but I'll never admit that. 

"Iida did tell me why he thinks you did it." Aizawa said.

Damnit Iida. I thought as I put my head down avoiding eye contact.

"Midoriya I'm not trying to force you to make friends, I didn't want to either as a kid honestly. I don't like to admitting it but having Present Mic and Midnight as friends not matter how annoying they can be. Is something I'll never regret doing." Aizawa said as he knelt down to my level so now I had to look at him.

"You can talk to me kid, I know how you feel." Aizawa said as he stood up. "See you tomorrow." with that Aizawa walked out, I was speechless. 

"You can go now, try not to pick anymore fights with people!" Recovery said as she about to hit me with her cane again I quickly got up and put my hands up fake surrendering. 

"Ok ok, haha I won't, promise." I said. She nodded sternly and smiled, with that I walked out. 

Why did I act like that towards her? Did what Aizawa said really change me?  I thought as I looked back at Recovery girls door, I saw Aizawa standing near to door he was smirking with a little thumbs up.

He must've heard. Ha. I thought as I gave him a thumbs up and turned the corner.

Once I turned the corner my mood dropped, I saw Shoto and Uraraka. They didn't notice me so I quickly walked passed them but before I could someone grabbed my arm and slammed me against the lockers. Shoto Todoroki did it.

I didn't fight it I just stared at him, "Stay away from us, don't touch or talk to either of us or you'll regret it." Shoto said as he held fire towards my face. He let me go and I just stood there. 

Damnit. I thought as I walked away, I could feel both eyes on me as I walked. 



What's wrong with me, I just have to push people away. I'm so selfish.  Midoriya thought as he laid in bed.

I even ran away from my mother, for myself. She's in jail because of me. I hurt Iida because I was to selfish to give them a chance. I'm at UA because I didn't want to live up to my actions and go to jail where I belong. Midoriya thought as he went slowly towards his bathroom. 


"This isn't selfish right?" Midoriya said to his reflection as he held a razor to his wrist. 

1 for Iida, 1 for Uraraka, 1 for Shoto, 1 for my mom and a few more for the suffering I've caused towards her, my classmates, and others. Midoriya thought as he cut, cut and cut his wrist. 

14, that's how many cuts he now had on his wrist. He rinsed off the blood on his wrist disinfecting it and hopped in the shower, bandaged his wrist, and went to lay in bed. 

I'm such an idiot, maybe I should talk to Aizawa about this. Midoriya thought as he got up and reached for his door handle. 

"I know it's wrong but I don't want you guys to get involved in my life."  Those are the words he said towards Shoto and the other two. He let go of the door handle. 

I did say that. I should stay true to my word for once. Midoriya thought as he laid in bed and drifted off to sleep. 

Time skip !(WARNING OVER)!

Midoriya woke up to no alarm, Oh right my alarm clock, I broke it.  Midoriya thought as he looked over to the pieces of his alarm. Midoriya grabbed his phone it was 1pm, 7 hours since school started.

I'll just say I was sick, that trick usually works. Midoriya thought as he looked at notifications and saw messages from Uraraka.

What does she want? Wait some of these are messages from yesterday?  Midoriya thought as he looked at the messages.

Tomato Girl- Hey Midoriya! Don't ask how I got your number I just wanted to apologize for Shoto yesterday! We can talk if you want haha. (Yesterday)

Tomato Girl- Midoriya school started are you ok? Why aren't you here? (Today)

Tomato Girl- Midoriya? Please answer I hope nothing bad happened I'm coming by today during lunch ok! 

Tomato Girl- Midoriya your doors locked, I think I heard you snore hehe! Glad to know you just slept in, text me and lets meet up in my dorm after school I'll tell you what you missed.

A bit creepy but weirdly sweet. Midoriya thought as he smiled a bit rereading her messages. He quickly stopped once he noticed he was smiling.

Midoriya- I got sick If you don't mind telling Aizawa for me, also I'll take the offer, I really need to catch up, thanks Uraraka for doing this. You don't have to though I wouldn't want to be a burden you know?

Midoriya then looked at his bandage, should probably take care of this. Midoriya thought as he replaced his bandage and changed clothes. By the time he was done it was after school, he felt his phone buzz so he pulled it out of his pocket.

Tomato Girl- Hey I did tell Aizawa, also you can come over now If you want! I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I'm with Iida currently.

Great. Actually I should probably take the opportunity to apologize. Midoriya thought as he put a hoodie on and went out towards the cafeteria.

Midoriya made it to the cafeteria where Iida and Uraraka were waiting, Uraraka waved towards Midoriya. He was about to wave back when he saw Iida's condition. 

Damn I must've kicked him pretty hard that's a lot of bandages. Midoriya thought as he looked at Iida. 

Midoriya then waved back to Uraraka and approached Iida who just stared at Midoriya as he approached. 

Without hesitation Midoriya hugged Iida.

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