13- Training Camp

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"DAMNIT I BROKE IT ALREADY!" Midoriya shouted as he sat up looking at his new alarm clock that was now in shatters. Midoriya just got dressed and went to class.

Today we have to go to that dumb training camp. Midoriya thought as he sat at his desk playing with his pencil.

"Today's the day everyone get up and get on the bus located outside." Aizawa said.


When are we going to get off this damn bus, it seems I've been listening to that grape head saying he has to pee for hours. Midoriya thought, just then the bus stopped.  

Finally, I don't think I could've been in there for another second. Midoriya thought as he stepped outside the bus seeing who he knew as the 'Wild Pussycats' he then looked over and saw a little boy he looked at us with hatred. 

Midoriya wasn't paying attention to what the Pussycats were saying he just liked looking at the view from the mountain they were on. 

"Everyone get back to the bus!" Midoriya heard someone scream he saw everyone running to the bus, then Midoriya felt the ground shift a bit he jumped and landed on ground that felt more steady. 

Midoriya watched as all his classmates fell down the mountain they were on. "Was I supposed to go down with them Sensei?" 

"Yes, please just go down there." Aizawa said as he pinched the bride of his nose. 

Midoriya was about to jump down when he saw a large skeleton dragon thing emerge from the trees of the forest.

"Do I have to jump down Aizawa-Sensei?" 


Midoriya huffed but eventually jumped down the mountain landing safely.

I guess I'll just follow the group since I have no idea where to go. Midoriya thought as he ran through the trees of the forest.


Midoriya ran up the hill where he saw Aizawa and the Pussycats located, he waved towards them and looked behind him to see his classmates walking slowly behind him up the hill. 

"How are you even able to run we've been out here for hours!" Denki yelled towards Midoriya.

"I have good stamina I guess." Midoriya answered. 

Finally his classmates made it up the hill covered in sweat and out of breath. Midoriya again didn't listen to what the Pussycats said, instead he stared at the little boy who stared right back at him. 

"Midoriya are you listening?" Aizawa said.

"My bad, hey Pussycat's I was wondering. Who's that kid?" Midoriya said while pointing at the little boy.

"That's Kota!" Mandalay said.

Midoriya walked up to the boy bending down to his level. "Hi Kota, I'm Midoriya." Kota then aimed a punch at Midoriya's lower region but Midoriya caught the fist.

"Nice to meet you too, Kota." Midoriya then let go of the kids hand for he seemed frightened, he walked back to his classmates. 

"W-wait! Are you Izuku Midoriya? Reject!" Midoriya looked at the kid. 

Fanboy I see.. 

"Been a while since I was referred to by that name, you can call me that kiddo." Midoriya winked at the kid then walked with his classmates to the kitchen where they'd cook.

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