19- Light.

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Everyone in the room stared at me with wide eyes. They looked as if they wanted to jump me.

"Midoriya. Do you know what the quirk is." Aizawa said as he stood up.

"Well, I believe it's simply hearing enhancement." All Might gasped I turned to him to see he was reaching for me, I jump out of my bed

"Midoriya calm down I want to see your neck, the burn it's gone!" My eyes go wide and I run into the bathroom locking the door. Ignore the banging on the bathroom door, I look in the mirror to see a huge red scar where the burn mark was, I look on my wrist to see red scars there too.

"What did you do to me All For One.."



"Calm down damn! Move away from the door then I'll come out." The banging on the door stops, I slowly come out from the bathroom to see everyone eyeing me down.

"Sit back down Midoriya." Nezu says. I do so, avoiding eye contact if possible.

I then feel another presence in the room, my eyes shoot towards a corner in the room where there's a small spider. All Might follows my gaze to the little spider he sighs and looks at me.

"It seems I was right, he gave you a quirk that enhanced your senses. I feel he gave you more than that though considering the scars." All Might said.

"I'm going to be put in jail huh?" I then hear everyone burst into laughter which makes me jump.

"Midoriya no, you'll still attend UA but you'll be supervised." Nezu says as he wipes a fake tear from his face. I nod with a smile, a genuine smile which surprises everyone including myself. 

"I'm sorry we couldn't get you sooner Midoriya. I take full responsibility for what happened." Aizawa says as he bows his head.

"Oh it wasn't that bad, I have a pretty high pain tolerance." I lie, I glare at Tsukauchi and he nods getting the hint that I don't really want them to know about that lie.

"I guess you'll be released today since you show no signs of pain." The nurse says, I nod and she exits the room.

"Total random question but, hows my mom and can I visit her?" Tsukauchi looks at me sadly that's all it took for me to know. 

She's dead. They lied.

Tsukauchi walks over to my bed and sits beside me, "I'm sorry Midoriya the league got to her."

"I know." Tsukauchi eyes widen, "How do you know." he asks

"They said if I didn't join they'd kill her. Turns out they didn't keep their promise, very villain like." I feel the air go tense.

I shouldn't have said that, I'm an idiot.

I feel Aizawa's capture weapon wrap around my arms and body. 

"Aizawa cut it out." Nezu says but Aizawa doesn't listen.

"I know what I did was wrong, I was a weakling and I let them get to me." I start to tear up and shake, Aizawa's capture weapon loosens.

"Sorry Midoriya." Aizawa says..

"Calm down Midoriya what you did was good, you put your life on the line for others." Nezu says, I calm down and the nurse comes in and discusses my release.  



I was finally released from the hospital now I was entering the dorm area with Aizawa, I already hear lots of commotion just from walking into the UA grounds. 

"Sorry again for the situation back there Midoriya. I will inform your classmates on the whole situation tomorrow." Aizawa says. 

"It's fine Sensei." 

"MIDOBRO!" Me and Aizawa jump at sound I cover my ears in slight pain.

I really have to get use to loud sounds. Oh dear Present Mic is going to be the worst for the while..

"It's late stop yelling Kirishima." Aizawa says scolding Kirishima

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to scream that loud?" 

"It's not your fault something happened to him, I'll explain in class go to your dorms." Aizawa says while walking off leaving us both standing outside.

"Let's head inside." I say, Kirishima nods.

"So you're one of the people who saved me.."

"Yeah! I'm sorry if it's embarrassing we couldn't sit by and wat-" I interrupt him.

"Thank you. No need to apologize" I smile shocking him, we both enter the dorm area to see everyone eating food. They look up at the both of us, I already have my hands on my ears prepared for the noise of shouting.

"Don't shout!" Kirishima says shouting, I stare at him dumbfounded, then he realizes what he did and smiles at me and apologizes. 

"Thank you to everyone involved in saving me, I appreciate it. I'm tired so I'm heading to bed sorry talk tomorrow."  I then head off to my dorm.


Midoriya enters his dorm and quickly takes a shower before changing and laying in his bed overthinking everything, from his new quirk, All For One, to the impact this will have on lives around him and his very own life.

A knock interrupt his thoughts.

"If you're not asleep can we talk." 

Shoto.. Midoriya goes to answer the door. 

"Come in." Midoriya says, Shoto sits on his bed. Midoriya grabs a water bottle for him and Shoto he hands it to him, he takes it and Midoriya chugs down his water, quite dehydrated.

I did realize how thirsty I was..Main priority why is he here. Midoriya thinks to himself still chugging the water.

"Midoriya I know it's probably to late to apologize now but I'm sorry for not forgiving you sooner." Shoto says causing Midoriya to almost spit out his water, he is able to swallow it and answers.

"It's okay Shoto I understand, I think. The feelings you felt during that time. I believe I felt it when I reached out for Kacchan, I mean Bakugou when he was about to go through the portal." Midoriya takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Thank you, for saving me along with the other I-I don't know if I'd be here without you guys." Midoriya feels tears in his eyes he wipes them before Shoto notices. Shoto unexpectedly hugs Midoriya.

"Let it out Midoriya, you've been bottling up these emotions for our sakes. I would like to do something for your sake now." Shoto says.

Midoriya's eyes widen and then he lets loose, letting all the horrible memories flow out of him. Crying so much causes a flow of exhaustion to hit Midoriya, soon he falls asleep on Shoto's shoulder.


I was comforting Midoriya when I felt his body weight shift onto me completely.

He must be asleep, I should leave. 

I lay Midoriya on his bed noticing scars on his neck and wrist. The wrist ones look different from his neck scar, analyzing his wrist I become a bit teary eyed thinking of the worst possible things that happened. 

I should probably leave. If he wakes up to me just staring at him, he'd think of me weirdly. I think as I start to walk out but pause, I turn back to Midoriya.

"Midoriya, I promise to help you see the light in life. Happiness." I say towards him, with that I leave his dorm with a smile.

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