22- Notebook.

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"But, I know that if I stop you'll go and do something reckless. So I'll watch you, if you're going to do this, do it the right way. Got that problem child."

I feel more tears flowing out of my eyes, I don't stop them.

"Thank you EraserHead.." I say with a genuine smile. 



It's been a few days since the meeting, I've been getting more and more impatient by the second. Only reason they're holding up the rescue mission. Because, they say we're not prepared for what's to come. 

"Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsu stay after class." I sigh and watch as everyone else leaves the classroom.

"What is it Aizawa Sensei." Uraraka says.

"The mission, I was informed it's tomorrow." I smile while the others eyes widen.

Took long enough.

Aizawa undoubtedly noticed my smile, he's the only person who's noticed my aggressive mood since the meeting. Aizawa simply dismisses us I start heading to my dorm room until I'm stopped.

"Midobro, you've been acting strangely." Kirishima ask I can sense Bakugou standing nearby listening in, I give him a fake smile and say that I'm ok. I walk away I can tell they didn't buy it. I head to my dorm and lock my door, grab my notebook and look over my plan.

So I'm going to find Overhaul who will most likely have Eri in possession. Take Eri immediately and if he has the drugs on him I let him shoot me with it. I don't want this damn quirk anymore honestly.

I hear a loud shouts outside my door, I roll my eyes before shutting my notebook and opening my dorm door to see Bakugou.

"What a surprise." I say with sarcasm.

"NERD COME WITH ME!" He grabs my hoodie sleeve and pulls me all the way to the training grounds.

"Bakugou. Stop." I get out of his grip and start heading back to my dorm when he grabs me again.

"Deku, you've been acting differently and it's pissing me off." 

Seriously that's what this is about Bakugou..

"Mind your damn business I'm fine." I push him away with all I've got not expecting to send him flying into a building. I look at my hands in disbelief seeing my veins slightly glowing red, I then hear Bakugou scream in agony.

"KACCHAN!" I run towards the scream and find him against a wall bleeding severely, I go to pick him up and head to the UA campus heading towards Recovery Girl's office. 

"I'm so sorry Kacchan!" I can feel his body weight shift meaning he unconscious, I finally enter Recovery Girl's office she's staring at me in fear.

"Set him down on this bed, and tell me what happened." She says while getting bandages, I set him on the bed then start explaining.

"Well Kacchan, I mean Bakugou and I were heading to training grounds to talk about something then he got aggressive for some reason and I pushed him but It sent him flying.. I didn't mean to I swear!" I say hyperventilating now, I watch as she attends to Bakugou's wounds.

"I'm going to call Aizawa." Suddenly the door slams open.

"No need, I'm here." Aizawa looks mad, he grabs me and forces me out of the room.

"What the! LET ME GO!" I shout but he doesn't listen, I struggle for a bit but give up. He ends up leading me to Nezu's office. Upon opening the door I see Nezu and All Might inside.

"Young Midoriya, sit." All Might says, definitely not smiling.

I've been here way to many times.. I think to myself as I sit down.

"We saw the situation on robot cameras, take a breather and tell us why that happened." Nezu says. I realize I've been holding a breath since I entered this room.

"Ok, well here's what happened. Bakugou came to my dorm and said he wanted to talk he led me to the training grounds and got forceful so I fought back, I didn't expect that though.." 

"Did you notice anything weird when you did it?" All Might asked, I was tempted to tell him the truth but didn't, I shook my head no.

"Aizawa since he's your student you do suitable punishment for him." My eyes go wide thinking of the worst options.

Will he force me not to go on the mission, will I be expelled, will I stop being a vigilante permanently.. will I be thrown in jail for assault! Will h- 

"Midoriya you're muttering.." Aizawa says, I slap my hand on my mouth I hear Nezu chuckle.

"No Midoriya none of those things..I'll just have to supervise you more I guess." Aizawa says, I sigh relieved.

"You can go now Midoriya, we just needed an explanation" Nezu says with a smile.

That's a fake smile, he knows something..

I return a fake smile and run to my dorm. I go to grab my notebook but, it's not where I left it. 

"THAT DAMN RAT!" I shout.

I start punching my wall in anger ignoring the pain, I punch and punch until I get pulled away from the wall.

"Let me go!" I shout I turn to see Aizawa Nezu and All Might.

"Looking for something.." Nezu says while hold my notebook. I start shaking with anger in Aizawa's grip but Aizawa doesn't let me go. I sigh and put my hands up.

"Fine you caught me, what's the point in this." I say towards Nezu who's smirking in victory.

"Midoriya your a smart kid, this quirk you have is insanely powerful and you know it. Why get rid of it?." 

I sigh and roll my eyes, "I am not fit for the quirk, I hurt Bakugou just a few minutes ago on accident. Imagine what can happen if I let my emotions get to me, I can go on a rampage. This quirk is also made from All For One if you forgot." Nezu simply nods.

"Midoriya, are you seriously willing to risk your life for this." 

"Of course, I knew what I got myself into once I became a vigilante. I basically signed a death contract when I entered this school." Nezu nods again then tosses me my notebook. I catch it and raise a brow at him.

"Keep it. I just needed to see what you were hiding." Nezu said with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes.

"Get out." I say.

"You need to see Recovery Girl." Aizawa say while walking towards me.

He looks pissed..

"What? Why?" 

Aizawa grabs my hands and shows me my bloody knuckles. I cringe at the sight of them and finally agree to let them take me.

I finally got the right treatment for my knuckles now me and Aizawa were arguing, Nezu and All Might had left from being uncomfortable with our dark auras.

"I don't need to take them I'll be fine by tomorrow, now cut it out." I say while grabbing my notebook getting ready to leave Recovery Girls office. Aizawa blocks my way and I roll my eyes.

"Move it, before I make you." I say as I glare up at him he returns the glare.

"Take the damn painkillers Midoriya." Aizawa says sternly, we both stare at each other before we hear a laughing the background.

"You both are so childish, stop being stubborn and take the painkillers Midoriya." Recovery Girl says in between laughs. I try and glare at her but honestly she's to sweet for her own good, I give in and take the painkillers. 

I guess it is a good thing I did take these painkillers. I think as I swallow them.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Eri I'm coming to save you and nothing will stop me. I then drift off to sleep.

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