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We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.

Life is all about making priorities, and family is one and only priority on top of all other, so spend all time you can with loved ones.

The words kept resonating in her ears knowing Gigi was right all along. Not only was she so in love with her baby, she was also hopelessly devoted to her work to have time for anyone. She just wanted space from everything and everyone, instead of her to tell him, she didn't and just thought what she is doing is for the best. She's heard how much her mother told her about how marriage works but she didn't bother paying heeds and here she is.

She can't believe she is going to welcome another woman in just three days. She doesn't want those days to come, not when her family is now complete and beautiful with her daughter and husband. Not when everything is finally getting back in place though her life is tumbling upsidedown very soon. Why does it hurt so much when another woman is getting your man? She thought those friends of hers that fill in the space of second wives are happy but she can't and won't be a second wife. She can't see herself sharing her husband purposely knowing she is the second one not the first. And not when she has the taste of her husband marrying another woman, she won't want any woman to go though that, no. Never. The pain is enough to not make her happy in that married life.

Today being Kamu, she is about to get ready and leave to start yet another day. Fayha, Afrah and Kauthar are coming over to get dressed in her house. She stood up from her bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a warm bath. After she was done with that, she made her way to her closet and dress herself in a blue maxi dress. She gave Anaan a quick bath and decided to dress her for Gigi, she is staying over there for the day. Amir will be there to take her with him then go to the event venue to wait for them.

She got her dressed in a tangerine low round neckline shirt and black jean shorts. She packed the diapers for her, milk, feeder, changing mat, some new clothes and overalls. Anaan can make mess so the more clothes, the better for them all. Her cereal is also there since she sometimes want the cereal more than she does breast milk or sterilized milk. Making sure everything is perfect for her girl in the blush pink baby bag, she took both her daughter and the bag to the living room just when the door banged open by none other than her friends and in-laws.

Mika'il is still inside, it's just four in the afternoon so they will leave anytime soon. He came back from the mosque, woke her up from her nap to pray. The Kamu is supposed to start around four but since the groom and his men are not supposed to enter till after everything is settled. She is not even looking forward to attending any stupid function but she needs to look strong like her mother in-law and friends motivate her to. She vowed not to fold their hands so with that determination, she forced a smile across her lips and move forward.

"Aren't you just beautiful." Fayha sarcastically say to her friend when she opened the door for them to come in.

"I know." Amani rolled her eyes and smiled at Amir who just shook his head at their usual greetings then made his way to the kitchen to eat first before taking Anaan to Gigi.

"Here's the makeup artist, she will start mine first then yours." Fayha was quick to draw the makeup artist to her side and sat down on the coffee chair by the far end of the room, drawing a dining chair so the makeup artist can keep her stuff and start the makeup. There is a mirror right in front of them so she turned on her ring lights and start.

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