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Levi's POV...

I woke the next morning to find Sarah in the recliner, reading a book. Her turn to babysit me I assume. Her eyes are not the cheerful appearance I'm used to seeing, they're swollen and blood shot.

"Where's Charlotte?" I ask her.

She stands up from the chair barely looking at me and heads for the door. "Oh hi," she nervously says. "Charlotte went home to take a shower and grab some more clothes.... I will go get Nate for you."

What was that all about. Did I scare her. She's probably upset with me like everyone else is after yesterday.

Nate enters my room right after Sarah leaves.
" Morning," he says to me while he grabs some of my clothes from the bureau. He seems to be acting like his normal self, so that puts me at ease a little.

" What's wrong with Sarah? She looks like she's been crying," I ask him.

Nate brings my clothes over and starts sitting the bed up, but doesn't look at me, " She is the one who left the pool door unlocked yesterday, she's been beating herself up about it ever since," he solemnly answers.

Shit! I need to apologize to her , to Nate too... to everyone really!

"I'm sorry Nate, I didn't know what I was doing, what I was thinking... I'm really sorry," I blurt out. It's true and I don't know what else to say.

" Listen, I get it man, but you have people who care about what happens to you, people who are here for you every day, and you need to start opening up, not keep it all inside until you collapse ," he rants on in an authoritative tone.

" And you have to stop being a dick to Sarah when she tries to help you, she doesn't deserve it," he adds.

I agree with him and continue to apologize while he helps me dress and into my chair.

" Is Charlotte coming back today," I hesitantly ask him.

" Yes, she'll be back soon, but in the meantime she asked me to make sure you eat and then have you ready in the gym for her," he replies.

I did what Nate said without giving him a hard time. I ate all of my breakfast for once, and he chuckled at me. I really don't want to upset anyone any further. We got to the gym and he transferred me up onto the exercise table. I'm able to sit on the side of the table using my right hand for support.

I can't help but smile when Charlotte walks in. I'm relieved she came back, I started to convince myself that she would hand me off to someone else to do therapy with me.

She places my leg braces on the table next to me. " Good morning Levi," she smiles at me. "When you finally fell asleep, I thought it was a good time to run home to shower."

I feel like a jerk so I look down and say , " But you didn't get any sleep though... I'm.... I'm sorry." I don't want to be the reason that she can't go home. She spends way too much time here as it is, when does she ever have time for herself?

Charlotte places her fingers under my chin to lift my head up. She doesn't look upset with me at all. Her eyes are a beautiful green shade today brought out by her forest green tank top. She focuses on my face and nonchalantly says, " I'll get some sleep later, right now we have a lot of stuff to do," and grins.

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