Worst Nightmare

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Levi's POV...

I must've stayed in the hot tub for a good 45 minutes, it felt so serene.

I had Sarah bring me back to my room and help me get into bed. I'm exhausted and will probably have no trouble sleeping tonight. But not before I thank Charlotte for taking me out today.

The drive, the park, the way Charlotte held my hand to walk beside me made me feel important; everything was perfect. I didn't realize how much I needed that until I was actually sitting on the grassy field, overlooking the bay.

Somehow Charlotte knew though. She knew I needed one day away from everything , a day where I could forget for a few moments about all the obstacles in my way. I didn't want this day to end.

"Sarah, after you're finished with me, do you mind finding Charlotte? I need to thank her for today."

"No problem at all! I'm finished so I'll go find her for you," Sarah happily answers.

I think a half hour goes by before Nate walks into my room.

" Oh sorry, were you sleeping?" Nate asks me.

I shift up in bed a little, rubbing my eyes so I can focus on him.

"Well Charlie asked me to give you this," he says, handing me what looks like a brown leather book.

"Oh?" I question.

Not liking how on edge Nate looks, rubbing his hand through his curly hair and says, " Charlie had to leave in a hurry tonight, she's on a plane to North Carolina right now."

"Why?" I ask, a bit perplexed.

"She didn't have time to say much, only that she had a family emergency, and that she'll call when she gets there," Nate answers.

I know I come off a little selfish when I ask him, " Do you know when she will be back?"

He tells me he doesn't know how long she'll be gone for and makes it a point to show me that he's worried and hopes nothing terrible has happened. Then he quickly tells me Kelly, the "fill-in" therapist will be here to help out this week.

"Great." I sarcastically reply.

I feel like such a jerk now. Of course I'm worried about Charlotte too, I'm acting too selfish to admit it. I let my insecurities rule my thoughts, so all I care about is that she'll be gone for who knows how long, and I'm going to be alone again.

Definitely not going to sleep well tonight. I'm too upset. I don't want anything bad to happen to Charlotte, but at the same time, I'm upset she's not here with me, that I didn't get to thank her for today, that she didn't even say goodbye before she left.

I'm such an idiot to believe that she could ever possibly think of me as anything more than a patient; that I'm something more than just her job.

I lay in bed, sulking for a while. I just want to throw something, stupidly thinking that it will make me feel better. I grab the book next to me, preparing to take aim at something. Thankfully, I hesitate for a second, feeling the soft leather cover in my hand. And instead of throwing it, I open it.

Engraved on the inside cover, " Penny for your thoughts."

Hmm, ok I think to myself. The first page has a handwritten message, a quote actually. It reads....

"Remember, you don't always need a plan. Sometimes you only need to breathe, to trust, to let go, and see what happens"
Sometimes writing is the best therapy.
~ Charlotte

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