The Climb

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Levi's POV...

I've done it! I can walk again! Knowing that I was almost totally paralyzed, at one time trapped in an immobile body, having to rely on everyone for everything and wondering if I would ever walk again felt like a surreal illusion. My subconscious wish of being independent again became my ultimate fantasy and it's been Charlotte's unconditional love for me that has helped me shape my dream into actuality.

I'll always have a spinal cord injury and I remain with some paralysis in my left leg, but my goal was to walk again on my own. Moving forward, my goals will be to walk farther and faster, possibly run again, hopefully gain more control of my left leg. One step at a time, Charlotte reminds me. At least for now, I can be happy with my progress.

I telephoned my mum after we finished streaming. She was so emotional that she couldn't stop crying, even on the phone. Charlotte couldn't stop crying either and Sarah was noticeably sniffling and wiping her eyes. Apparently, my display of walking stirred up a lot of emotions for all the women. Thankfully, my dad, my mates and Nate stayed grounded because I couldn't handle all the guys crying too. I'm sure the lads will be celebrating for me at the pub tonight.

Walking without using crutches is new and my body tires easily after short distances, so I made sure to sit in a chair to rest my legs while I chat with mum on the phone. After I'd managed to calm my mum down a bit, I stretch my arms out to Charlotte, convincing her to come over to me so I can pull her down onto my lap.

"So, what do you think of all this?" I search her thoughts.

"I think you're amazing! You're a walking miracle," her expression sweet and her voice muffled from crying.

"Then why all the bawling?" I ask, wiping her tear stained cheeks.

Charlotte leans her head on my shoulder and softly replies, "I don't know, maybe it's because I love you and how proud I am of you."

I grab her hand and mingle my fingers with hers. "There it is, I was waiting for a second daily dose of "proud" from you," I try and make her laugh.

"Now if you don't mind, I would like you to stop being such a mess so we can go back to your place and I can make you dinner," I chuckle, giving her a kiss on her head.

Charlotte starts laughing along with me, "You, make dinner?"

"I will do my best," I respond and we both cackle in amusement.

She slowly climbs off of my lap to stand and I reach out my hand for her to take. I don't necessarily need to hold her hand every time I try to walk now...I want to hold her hand. The way her small hand fits perfectly in mine, the feeling of her warm touch, and when our fingers intertwine brings me comfort. I've been longing to walk hand in hand with the woman I love. No crutches, no arm around her shoulder or her grip around my waist to keep me from falling; just her and I, striding side by side holding hands.

"Do you want to drive?" She surprisingly asks me.

Drive! I haven't even thought about driving. It won't be difficult I'm sure, I have complete control of my right leg and both arms, and besides my lack of directions, my driving skills should be on point.

"Sure!" I eagerly shout.

Piece of cake, just like I imagined. I drove Charlotte's jeep back to her apartment without any hiccup. Being behind the wheel, and the feeling of being in control was exhilarating and another triumph for me.

"Can I drive us every day?" I squeal like a giddy teenager driving a car for the first time.

She chuckles at my excitement, "If that's what you want to do."

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