Stuck On Repeat

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{George's POV}

I woke up to the loud sound of something breaking down in the kitchen. I sighed as I looked over to my window, noticing that the sun wasn't showing. I rolled back over and grabbed my phone off of my dresser.

6:25am, I read to myself.

I unlocked it so I was looking at my home screen. I slid my finger across the screen, in search for the weather app. Once I found it I opened up to check what the weather was gonna be today.

All day, thunderstorms, I sighed, Great.

I've never been a huge fan of thunderstorms. Ever since my parents started arguing that is. When I was little, I would always run outside and play in the rain like nothing ever mattered. Now? I can't even stay still the second I hear the roar of a thunder bolt struck across the sky. This being one of biggest fears, always caused me to get anxious, more likely ending up in me having a small panic attack.

I turned my phone off and slowly got up, stretching. I walked over to my closest, deciding to change instead of eating first, not wanting to go into the kitchen after what he heard. I looked through my closet trying to find something decent to wear, I ended up grabbing a light blue sweater, and dark blue jeans. I walked out of my room and down the hall, into the bathroom. I closed the door and hoped into the shower, still half-asleep.

I wonder if today is gonna be as boring as yesterday, I thought to myself.

Most days are the same. Same routine, same classes, same teachers, same classmates, same boring day, just playing on repeat.
I finished up in the shower and finished getting dressed. I walked back to my room and grabbed my backpack off off the floor as I walked over to my bed. I checked if I had everything I needed. Which I did. I zipped my bad back up and flung it over my shoulder, grabbing my phone form it's place on my dresser, and sliding it into my pocket. I sighed once again and walked out of room, down the hall and down the stairs.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard another crash, this one quieter than before. As if someone had thrown something on to the counter. I continued walking until I was in front of the kitchen, with the living room behind me, where my younger sister was watching tv. I saw my dad and my mom in the kitchen. Like usual, they were fighting, about god knows what. My mom caught sight of me and paused her 'husband' from talks, as she walked over to me.

"Morning honey," she said with a smile "Would you mind taking your sister to school today?" She asked, motioning twarss the younger girl who was still watching tv.

I nodded silently as I saw my dad looking as angry as ever as my mom talked.

"Thank you sweetie" she said, rubbing my arm, before walking away, back to the kitchen.

I didn't respond, as I didn't even know what to say. I turned away from the kitchen and walked over to the living room. I stopped at the edge of the couch, where my sister was sitting. She looked up at me with a look that said, 'What? Can't you see I'm trying to watch tv?' .

"Go get your stuff, mom asked me to bring you to school today" I told her.

"What, why?" She asked, with an attitude might I add "Why can't she take me?"

"I don't know, just go get your stuff, I don't wanna be late" I said blankly, walking away to go wait in the hall by door.

I heard her sigh and get up to go grab her stuff from her room. As I waited I could hear my parents in the kitchen. Going back and forth. My dad. My mom. My dad. My mom. As I suspected, my dad was the one yelling at my mom, instead of the opposite.

I rolled my eyes to myself, When will he shut up, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my sister heading down the hall.

Once she got about 5 feet from me, I turned around and headed out the door, grabbing my keys along the way. We walked down the drive way and to my car. We both got in and sat in silence as I drove us to our school.


787 words
Ok wow I didn't expect to write that much for the first part
Oh well, I hope you enjoyed it and yea, sorry about it being trash-

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now