The truth

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Soooo I'm probably gonna fall asleep while working on this because it's like 4am BUT-

Who gives a crap right? :)

Any who- enjoy!!
!!TW: Mentions of self-harm, small panic attacks!!
{George's POV}
The whole drive home was silent. Unfortunately, it was not a comfortable silence. I could tell that Clay was upset about the doctors bringing up my wrists. Unless he didn't believe me when I told him they were old?

I mean, obviously I'm not gonna tell him the truth! I've been so stressed, and he probably has to, I mean after all, me and my sister have been practically living with him and he's had to deal with me and my stupid family issues.

I sighed quietly and continued staring out the window.

Why did this have to happen....

" ok..?" Clay asked, glancing to me.

I just nodded as I watched a couple birds fly by.

I couldn't even talk...I felt so guilty for lying to him but at the same time...i felt that I had to do this. I couldn't hurt him even more. Not after everything I put him through already.

{No-Ones POV}

Once the boys got back, Maddie instantly ran to hug George, who responded with a quiet whimper.

"Sorry!" Maddie said, letting go of her brother.

"It's ok.." George mumbled.


"You ok?" Clay asked in a small whisper.

"Hm..just tired.." George told him.

Clay nodded and grabbed George's hand and started walking him to his room. Clay had George sit on the bed as he got a small outfit for George to change into. Just some random sweats and an over sized sweater.

Clay had left the room for a quick minute while George changed. Once he walked back into the room, George was already half asleep. Clay walked over and placed a small kiss in his forehead, then left, shutting the door quietly.

{Clay's POV}

I headed down stairs and sat next to Maddie on the couch. She could definitely tell something was up.

"What wrong?" She asked, pausing the tv.

"Did you ever know that George- uhm..." I hesitated. What if she didn't know? Should I tell her?

"That he..cut?" Maddie asked in a soft voice.

I was surprised but didn't show it, "Yeah...when did you find out?" I asked

She thought for a second, "Hmm...maybe about 3 and a half years ago? Why?.."

Three whole years?! That long!? Why..

I sighed quietly.

"Don't tell me..." She whispered quietly.

All I did was nod and she started crying. I felt so bad. Did he tell her that he stopped but he didn't?

I pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back.

"Apparently the doctors found out and George told me they were old ones..but...he's been acting really different.." I explained, as Maddie pulled out of the hug and looked at me, "He's been really quiet and fidgety..I-I hate to think it, but.,I-I don't honk he stopped..."

Maddie shook her head in agreement.

(I was about to do a time skip but imma just head to bed for a few and pick up where I left off when I wake up :D)

(IM AWAKE :D and I'm also watching some videos on YouTube so if the spelling gets messed up that why)

Time skip, 1 hour later, 9:30

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now