Back to school

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Before you start to read this part I want to quickly say, I am adding techno/Dave into this part. He is a bully in this part and I want to say that I do not think of him like this, it's just for the story line and I actually enjoy his content a lot so please keep that in mind!
!!TW: Bullying, mentions of self harm!!
{No-ones POV}
Once Clay and George woke up, they both realized that they were late for school, along with Maddie and her friend. The boys woke up the girls and they all got ready for school, leaving shortly after.

Once they got there, they girls headed off to their end of the school while Clay and George went the other way. Thankfully George had a free period and wasn't late for any classes, Clay on the other hand, missed the first 15 minutes of his class.

Time skip- 11:55am, lunch time

George was finishing up a book he was reading in the library, for he was in that class before lunch. Just as he was about to get up, he heard someone walk over to him, causing him to look up.
{George's POV}
I looked up and mentally sighed to myself, seeing Dave standing in front of me.

Dave is pretty popular in the upper part of the school, but he was also one of the biggest jerks on the planet.

Not wanting my to deal with him at the moment, I attempted to get and walk away, sadly getting blocked from him moving over.

"Can you please move?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Hmmm, I'm good, how are you doing?" He asked, still standing an in the way.

I was confused, as he was actually begging nice to me. Well, somewhat.

"I'm fine-" I answered, "Now can you please move?"

"Why are you in such a rush?" He asked, smirking.

I hesitated, not wanting to tell him about me and Clay, as I didn't know what he would say.

"I'm just hungry, ok?" I replied, shoving him out of the way and going to put my book back.

I heard him sigh as I left the library, along with slow foot steps following me. I tried to ignore them and continued walking, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. The second I turned around, I fell to the ground. Well- I felt that I was pushed to the ground. I looked up to see Dave staring down at me.

"Don't push me again," he told me.

"Then stop being such a jerk all the time!" I scoffed at him.

He clearly wasn't happy with that seeing that he kicked my shins. I winced and then looked back to him.

"See what happens when you irritate me?" He said.

I didn't answer and got up before running off to the cafeteria, hoping Clay would already be there. As I ran down the hall, I could here Dave gaining up behind me. I looked back to see he was only a few lockers away. I picked up my pace and eventually got to the cafeteria, spotting Clay almost immediately. I sighed of relief and ran to wheee he was sitting. I sat down before looking back at Dave and sticking my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Hey George! Are you alright? You seem out of breath," Clay asked.

I turned to him and thought for a second.

"Yeah, I was just running down the hall, I was excited to see you again," I laughed, and lied.

He just laughed and took a bite of his food.

Time skip- 2:35pm, after school

{Clay's POV}

I was in the parking lot at my car with Maddie and Alyssa. We were waiting for George, which is surprising seeing that he is usually here before any of us. I shrugged it off and chatted with the girls for a few.
{George's POV}
I was leaving my last class after staying about 5 minutes late to ask my teacher some questions. I finished packing my stuff up from my locked and was heading down the hall when I got pulled into a room by the back of my bag.

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now