Danger - part 2

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Heyo! So I'm not completely feeling better, but my head ache went away so I'm gonna try and write a small part. Anyways, enjoy!
{George's POV}
"So..w-what now?" I asked.

"I'm not sure..Is Nick in any of your classes?" Clay asked turning to me.

I thought for a second and then shook my head.

I heard Clay sigh before getting up and walking to me. He came over and pulled me into a hug.

"You'll be ok..I won't let him hurt you," He said.

I just nodded and hugged back. I was scared, I didn't know what to say. After what Dave did today, I didn't ever want to see his face again. I mean, why does he even want to know those things?

Is he jealous?..no- I don't think he's gay..

Once the hug ended, I went to tell Maddie not to stay up to late and that me and Clay are heading to bed early. Obviously we were both tired, but we also just wanted to forget what Dave had said and just relax a bit.

Time skip - The next day, 6:45

{No-Ones POV}

"Clay, I don't want to go to class," George said, Walking down the hall, holding Clay's hand.

"I know..I'm sorry but I can't do anything about that at the moment.." Clay told him.

George sighed as they stopped in front of his first class. They looked at each other before George let go of Clay's hand and went in. Clay hated to do this , but he couldn't just tell his teachers that he's automatically switching classes. He sighed and decided to head to his first class.

Time skip, after first period, 7:59

George was just leaving his class and heading to his locker when he heard a voice behind him. He glanced behind his shoulder, only to see Dave, and the same kid he was with yesterday. Before George could turn back, he made eye contact with Dave, who then told his 'friend' something.

George didn't mind it to much, until the kid started walking towards George. He turned around and picked up his pace, hoping to lose track of him. Sadly, he didn't, and only ended up wasting his time before his next period. Though this would have been good for George, he soon realized that the kid was in his second class.

George's heart dropped when he saw the kid walk into the class, looking directly at George. He tried not to pay any attention to this but it was bugging him all class, he couldn't focus on anything the teacher was saying. He was too worried.

"George, what's the answer to number 7?" The teacher asked, snapping George out of his thoughts.

"Oh- u-uhm..." George stuttered.

"We're you playing attention?" The teacher asked.

"N-no, sorry.." George admitted, Looking down at his desk.

"Alright, do me a favor and stay after class please," The teacher told him before turning back to her lesson.

Great, George thought to himself.

I mean, at least I don't have to deal with that kid right away..

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now