Nurces Office

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{No-body's POV}


After the long, silent car ride to school. George walked his sister to the lower-grade end of the school.

"Bye, and thanks for taking me to school-" She said before giving her brother a hug.

A little shocked about her being nice, after she had given him an attitude earlier, he hugged her back and then walked away heading to the other end of the school. As he was walking he took out his phone from his pocket, only to find several notifications, text messages to be exact, from his friend.

Sappynappy : Hey, where are you?  6:55am
Sappynappy : George  7:00am
Sappynappy : Dude, did your phone die or something?  7:10am
Sappynappy : George, I have a question just answer  7:15am

George rolled his eyes and unlocked his phone.

George : Dude chill, I couldn't check my phone today, I had to take my sister to school  sent 7:20am

George slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked into the school. He would usually head to the cafeteria and wait for his friend, but he just didn't feel like it today. Instead he walked past the cafeteria and straight to the library. He went there often if he was bored, or he wanted time to himself. Right now, he wanted both of those things. Yes, technically, he was already alone, but knowing his friend, he would probably head straight for the library as well, just to bug and pester him for not going to the cafeteria. As George turned a corner he caught a glimpse of his friend walking outside, who, ironically, looked over and made eye contact with him. George almost fell to the ground of exhaustion when he saw his friend start running in the way of the school entrance. He picked up his pace, not wanting to deal with listening to his friend ramble on about not answering him.

You've got to be kidding, he though to himself. First my parents, them the storm, then my sister, and now nick-

Lost in his thoughts, George wasn't looking where he was going and ended up running into someone- pulling him out of his thoughts. He ended up falling and slightly hitting his head on a locker, causing him to pass out.
"So your telling me-" A voice said, sounding oddly familiar  "he ran into you, fell, hit his head, and passed out?" The voice asked.

"Yep," another voice answered, this one being a new voice George had never heard before "He looked deep in his own thoughts when we collided- seems like he has a lot on his mind, enough to make him bump into someone and then pass out" the voice finished.

George slowly blinked his eyes open, to find two boys, around his age, crouching over him.

"Hey!" The familiar voice said "he's waking up!"

George didn't exactly understand what was happening. He sat up slowly, causing the two boys to back up a bit. He rubbed his head where he hit it, not realizing, and winced in pain.

"Careful" the unfamiliar voice said, slowly grabbing George's lower arm and moving it away from his head.

George finally had a clear vision again and looked at both of the boys. One having hair similar to his own, just a tad bit messier and a much lighter brown. He also wore a pair of glasses, which he pushed up on his face as George looked at him. George then looked at the other. Instead, he had slightly-curled hair which was shown in a dirty-blonde color, with freckles splattered along his face.

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now