No school

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I'm just gonna hop right into this part so enjoy
!!TW: mentions of self-harm, some mentions of abuse!!
{George's POV}
I woke up to my alarm going off. It was already the next morning. I sighed and shut it off. Before getting up, I just layed In bed thinking about what would happen today. Was I really going to tell Clay? What is somebody hears us talking? What if he tells somebody? I tried not to worry about it and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and changed. After I was done I sighed and went downstairs, not wanting to see my dad. Thankfully, he was still asleep. And apparently everyone else was as well. I was confused and checked my phone just to make sure it wasn't the weekend or something. It wasn't, it was Thursday. I finished what I would usually do before school and decided I'd walk today. It wasn't raining again. It was actually a cool, somewhat windy, day.

Once I started getting close to the school, I got a text message.

Clay : hey, you up?

Shit. I completely forgot I was going to text Clay when I woke up.

George : Hey, sorry I forgot to text you

Clay : it's fine, as long as your ok

I'm confused. He's been so kind. I mean, standing up to my dad? And checking in on me constantly? He's just making my feeling for him grow even more.

George : Clay, I'm fine, I've told you this

Clay : ok, ok
Clay : Are you at the school yet?

George : almost, I mean I decided to walk but I can see the school from where I am

Clay : alright I should be there in about 15 minutes then

George : ok, I'll probably be in the cafeteria, if not then I'm in the library

Clay : alright, cya

George : bye

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking. It took me about 3 minutes to get to the school. When I walked in side, Nick was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. I sighed, and walked over.

"Hi" he said

"Hey" I responded

"Clay texted me yesterday saying he needed your number- When I asked him why he said he'd tell me later?" Nick continued
"Did something happen?"

"Oh, no not really-" I said, not wanting him to worry "We just wanted to get to know each other better"

"Mhm" Nick nodded "Cause he told me it was something with your dad?"

I sighed. I completely forgot that Nick knew about everything.

"Well, I mean kinda"

"George, you said you would tell me if something happened" He said. You could hear in his voice that he was worried.

"I know, I know, I was planning on telling you, I swear," I lied "I just wanted to get some rest"

"Alright.." he sighed.

We changed the subject and We continued to talk. After a few minutes I got a text.

"Hold on Nick" I said, taking my phone out of my pocket.

Clay : Hey, I just got here, I'm getting out of my car now

George : ok, I'm gonna be in the library

Clay : Ok

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked back at Nick.

"Hey, I gotta go, I meeting up with someone before school starts" I said

"Oh alright" he responded "who?"

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now