Secret(s) revealed? - part 2

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Alright, I lied I'm still up, it's now 4:50am and I just got yelled at to go to bed but we all know imma do another part so here ya go! :)
!!TW: Abuse!!
{George's POV}
My dad.

I immediately made eye contact with him. He stood there silent for a minute. I could hear my own heart racing when he walked over to me. I stopped making eye contact with him, now looking at my floor, when he was at the edge of my bed.

"Your mother told me to apologize for what I did and said earlier," he started "Not that I'm going to though-"

I didn't look up. I just listened to him. I could feel clay listening. And watching.

"You know," he said "I've been planning on kicking her out" he laughed a bit.

I shivered at his words knowing he'd have full control over me and my sister, and no one would be here to stop him. He was silent before reaching out and forcing me to look at him, he was bending down so he was at eye level with me.

"You need to learn how to look at someone when their talking to you, brat"

I didn't talk.

He sighed, "Your mother told me you had a friend over?"

I gulped, I really didn't want him to find clay. God knows what would happen.

"You know your not allowed to have friends over," he continued "Are they boy or girl?"

"B-boy" I finally spoke, obviously stuttering of course.

He scoffed, "Where is he?"

"What-?" I asked

"WHERE- is he?!" He yelled, making me flinch.

"He w-went home already" I lied

He stared at me

"You better not be lying, you know what happens when you lie" he said, still making eye contact.

"I'm not, I-I swear" I tried my hardest not to look at the closet to see if clay was watching.

He rolled his eyes, "Mhm"

"Dad! I'm not lying! Why don't you ever believe me!?" I immediately sat up straight when I realized I raised my voice-

"Did you just raise your voice at me?" He said, now more serious than before

"N-no," I said quickly "I-I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, it won't happen aga-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he slapped me. Once again, across my face, same spot as last time. Now it just hurt worse. I felt tears coming to my eyes as I winced, reaching for my face.

He grabbed my wrist stopping me, "Stop being a baby!" He shouted.

I tired to respond but couldn't.

"Don't even bother talking-" he said, throwing my hand down, which hit the bed frame. Most likely leaving a mark. "Everything that comes out of your mouth is useless," he continued.

I wasn't even looking at him anymore.

"You, are useless" he finished, before getting up and finally leaving, slamming the door behind him, once again making me jump.

Before I could figure out what just happened, I heard my closet open and clay ran to me. I could tell he was looking at me, I wasn't looking at him. I was, instead, looking at my floor, trying my hardest not to let my tears out. He started talking.

"Are you ok?!"
"Why did he do that?"
"That's not ok, why didn't you tell anybody?"

He paused for a moment, ironically after I sniffled.

"George?" His voice sounded hurt. Really hurt.

There was a couple of seconds of silence before I looked at him, feeling bad that I wasn't talking. I saw the hurt in his eyes when he noticed a few tears streaming down my face. How could I not? I mean, this is the second time- well, second time today- that my dad hit me. This time, in front of my crush. Can I even call him that? I thought, I've barley known him for a day and he just saw my own father abuse me. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt him pull me into a tight hug. I hesitated but hugged back, finally letting my tears out. We stayed like that for a few.
{Clay's POV}
Once we stopped hugging, I looked at his face, at the bruise. It was worse than before now. I knew something was up, but not something like that. I couldn't even explain how much I wanted to punch his dad and leave, taking George away from this hell hole.

"Are- are you ok?" I asked. That was a stupid question , I thought, obviously he's not ok! He just got slapped by his own father!

"Y-yeah" he said, quietly "I'm fine.." my heart broke. He obviously wasn't, and even he knew it himself. I looked at him.

"I-" I stopped myself, not wanting to force him to talk if he didn't want to "uhm, is your wrist ok?" I said, reaching for it.

He immediately pulled it back, "I-I'm sure it's fine" he looked down again-

I tilted my head a bit before looking at it. I couldn't see anything. His sleeve from his sweater was covering it. I got worried. He doesn't...does he?

I put my hand under his chin, causing his to flinch a bit, and continuing to make him look at me. I pulled my hand away. I looked at him. He was still crying, not as bad, but he was clearly not gonna stop any time soon.

"George, do you.." I went to talk but hesitated causing him to talk

"Clay," he said, his voice was shaky "I know what your thinking, but I don't"

I just stared at him

"I promise," he said, putting his hands on top of mine, "I wouldn't lie to you"

I didn't believe him completely, but he seemed like such a sweet kid since I've meet him, and with everything that's he has going on, he doesn't seem like the person to lie. Unless he was scared. I just nodded. We both stayed quiet until he broke the silence.

"You should probably head home..."he sounded so upset while saying this.

"I don't think I should," I immediately said "after what just happened?" I continued
"You can just sit here and let him do that to you George!"

By the looks of it, he knew I was right, but he didn't admit it.

"I'll do something about it, I promise" he responded "but you really need to go home-"

I sighed, knowing I probably wasn't going to win this. I lost eye contact for a minute, noticing his sleeve fell down a bit when he recached out to grab my hand. I looked at s much as I could see, which was only a bruise in the shape of a line. From when he hit it. I shook it off and looked back at him.

"Fine-" I said "but call me or text me if anything happens!" I said, now making eye contact with him.

"Ok good, but I don't even have your number"

"Here, it's- ***-***-****" I told him, slowly, so he could try and remember it.

He nodded and I hesitantly got up to leave. Once I got to the door he spoke up again.

"Wait-" he said "once you go down the stairs, turn right and leave through the back door, so my dad doesn't see you"

I nodded and said goodbye, leaving his room, closing his door, quietly, so no one heard. I turned around and stopped dead in my tracks. Right there, listening to everything, was his dad.
1285 words
hehe, I'm happy with this even tho I felt so bad while making it😅anyways, have fun suffering✌️

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