Moving out?

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So it's like 2am for me, again, but I decided to write the next part anyways :)
!!TW: Alcohol, Abuse, slight panic attack!!
{Maddison's POV}
(HA- bet chu weren't expecting that 😌)
George had just left to go hang out with clay, and I was just sitting in my room, listening to 'girl in red' while drawing. I was quietly singing along when I heard my door open, making a loud bang against the wall. I jumped at the sound and turned around as fast I could, only to see my dad standing in the door way with a half empty beer bottle in his hand.

Oh no..., I could already tell what was going to happen.

"Hi dad.." I said, attempting to smile.

He stayed silent for a second, looking around my room before responding, "Where is he?"

I paused my music so I could here him better, "Who?"

"Your stupid brother, idiot!" He rolled his eyes.

I knew if I told him he was with Clay he would flip.

"I don't know," I answered "Probably hanging out with Nick or something." I lied, trying my best to stay calm.

"Don't lie to me," he stated.

"Dad, why would I lie to you-"

"Because you always lie! You and your brother both!" He answered immediately

I was taken back a bit. I mean how could someone say all of this to his own children? I stayed silent, waiting to see if he was going to say anything else.

"If I find out your lying, I swear to-"

"Dad! I'm not lying! Why do you always think me and George lie?!" Even though I knew he would get mad, I still raised my voice.

He obviously looked like he got angrier, "Don't raise your voice at me-"

"No, I'm gonna raise my voice!" I shouted back immediately "All you do is treat me and George like garbage! You even kicked mom out, and she was the only one who actually cared for us!" I was trying to hold back my tears.

He was definitely taken back by how I was acting, as I usually just listened to him, but I'm sick of that, I want to live a normal and happy life, not being yelled at constantly or being abused for the littlest things.

"And you wonder why I hate you guys," he said

I was confused, "What?" I asked.

He drank the rest of the alcohol that was in his bottle and then threw it at my feet, causing me to let out a small scream, pulling my feet back. I quickly looked back up at him, as he was now walking over to me. I gulped, now fully regretting my decision to yell.

Once he was practically hovering above me, he grabbed my wrist, tightly, and started pulling me out of my room. Obviously I tried to pull away but I just wasn't strong enough. I mean after all, I was just a dumb 14 year old trying to get out of a drunk 35 year old mans grasp. I gave up and let him drag me into the living room.

He had me stand against one of the walls before grabbing an empty alcohol bottle and throwing it almost directly at me. I jumped and moved out of the way.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled, not noticing the tears that had began to stream down my checks.

"STAY STILL BRAT!" He shouted back, attempting, to throw another bottle at me, again, almost hitting me directly. I let out another small scream and immediately turned and started running for my room.

"HEY!-" I heard him yell as I stumbled up the stairs.

I could here him yelling as I ran into my room, slamming to door shut and locking it immediately. I just stared at it for a second before a loud bang came from the other side, causing me to fall back and scream, once again. I got up and tried catching my breath and calming down as I grabbed my phone. I could hear my own heart racing as I heard my dad yelling from the other side of the door. I tried my best to ignore him and opened my messages with George.

Maddie : George!

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now