Trust No One

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Chapter 5

The next day "how long are we gonna stay here?" Burns asked Leon in a food court looking for something to eat "today and tomorrow" he answered not looking at her "Leon? Remember when we met?" She was too scared to ask not knowing his response that frightened her alot "yeah what about it?" "Leon, I might be pregnant with your baby....." His face flushed staring blankly at his girlfriend "I.....huh....think thats great....." He studdered "whats wrong?" "Its that we are only 14 and the rest are 12-13"

Kalii was with Miles looking for bedding "do you not like me anymore Kailin?" Miles grabbed her shoulders and met her eye to eye "you cheated on me and youre never going to see Sammy but yet you cheated on me what the hell? Miles I thought you were a better guy!" She paused, alot of things raced in her head how Miles wasnt who he is now, hot tears ran down her cheeks "I trusted you! I loved you Miles! You obviously didnt love me back..." "I love you Kalii Hernandez!!" He yelled shaking her shoulders as tears began to dwell in his eyes "No you never loved me! Get off you son of a bitch!!" She yelled back shoving Miles away from her "if you loved me wouldnt have cheated-" they argued "you fell in love with Nelle" Miles ran after Kalii "get away from me!" Kalii ran till her heart couldnt take it taking a deep breath an turning to look at Miles again "I still love you....." "Miles stop! You dont love me you cheated on me showing your effections-for god sake Miles wake up you like Sammy!!!!" Kaliis voice echoed through the mall. Miles punched Kaliis face and she fell to the ground wiping the blood from her mouth with her arm. Kalii got up quickly and ran again
"get away Miles!!!" She yelled jumping over benches and throwing trash cans making an obstacle for Miles, Kalii looked back at Miles chasing her then looked up to where she was running. Kalii saw Nelle Russell and Niki "Nelle! Nelle! Help me please" Nelle looked over at Kalii and Miles.

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