The Same In a Difference

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Chapter 22

"Yes you are going as Kalii........" He continued explaining his plans.

Simba looked over at Espiel, he also looked at her back quickly both looked away and Burns saw it all.

"Alright everyone back to your rooms!" Leon yelled "you know I will kill anyone who is not in there room by 12 in the morning." Everyone seperated their own ways

Morning comes and everyone but Espiel are in the kitchen, " Espiel wanted to know if you were single or taken" Simba just nodded her head no and thought "godammit this cant be happening."

"Someone get Espiels lazy ass up!" Jasen looked over at Simba she can tell she was being pranked by those two heartless bitches "why do i have to be bad?" She thought then said out loud while getting up "ill go get him" she leaves and hears Jasen and Lyn mumbling and laughing about her stupidity.

Simba got to his room, and knocks 4 times "Espiel are you awake?" She paused and waited for an answer "'yeah come in Sia....." He answered tiredly. Opening the door carefully then shutting it. She walked over to the side and sat down on the side beside him "goodmorning beautiful..." He whispered "lay down if you want" he was shirtless and only in boxers while Sia was in only a tank top and yoga shorts she grinned and lay beside him

"So why are you here?" He asked
"They told me to get you." She answered
They both turned to look at each other,
"I love you I always have."
She blushed and got closer and closer to him as seconds went by he kissed her forehead and she laid her head on his chest "If i say i love you too what would respond with?" She asked
"Its a surprise for the both of us cause i dont know."
"I love you too Espiel."
He kissed her lips gently and quickly
"I knew it" he whispered while their lips still touched and he threw her on top him and she flung up quickly "whats wrong Sia?" He asked looking at her confused while she sat on top of his very lower stomache
"There is side to you dont know about. In fact no one knows." She said about to get off of him but was stopped and pulled her nose touching his and he just kissed her slowly she closed her eyes and went along with it. He didnt press hard or too soft it was like being kissed by an angel. "Wait stop Espiel...." She gets off of him "they are gonna come in this room.....5...4...3...2.." She points back at the door behind her and she was right Jasen and Lyn came in
"Out of my way bitch!" Lyn pushes Sia to the side and Espiel saw it happened. He quickly looked at Sia but she looked down and rubbed her shoulder but took a little quick look at Espiel. He already look away though, "heyyy Espiel" Lyn tries saying in a sexy tone while walking towards him as he stood up quickly.
"The fuck!! Who do you think you are? Dont push Sia!! Kay? You fucking prick ass bitch dont know how to respect other girls" Espiel walked over to Sia and hugged her tightly and presses his forehead against hers "everything will be ok Sia...." Then lifts his forehead and kisses her cheek.
"Espiel I thought you didnt like her!" Lyn yelled,
"you are a lair I knew it all along!"
Sia looked over at Lyn "No you are wrong ok? For gods sake Lyn open your eyes cause obviously you dont know what it is to be alone because alone is what you used to feel until i came into Redrum as a newbie, instead of welcoming me you beaten me!" Sia yelled back, "cant you face humanity Lyn?"
"Lets go Lyn...." Jasen said walking out the door pulling Lyn
"Let go!!!!" She yelled pulling her arm away from him and she charged at Sia but all she did was swiftly teleported behind Lyn when she stopped running. Slowly she turned around and Sia knees her in the stomach. As she went down Sia did an uppercut under Lyn's chin. She laid on the floor and Sia look up at Jasen then at Espiel, and she walked slowly to the door then ran out, down the stairs jumping over the railing, kept running untill she reached the door of the entrance Sia opened it and ran away. Espiel and Jasen followed but lost her when she ran outside but actually she hid behind a tree "im free....." She said happily after counting to one hundred and then she still ran but since she has been in the dark Redrum house the sun blinded her and she fell to her knees, touching the cold wet ground as her sank through about 2 inches of snow. "Godammit whats next im going to find some people outside to help me?" She whispered and look up seeing the two people like she said. One boy and one girl. She ran over to them, "thank god I found some people out here!" She said from behind the two people, both look back but cant stay like that for long because of Death Penalty "Hernandez?" Jesse asked but the real Hernandez was hit by a branch, "shit...." Jesse turns and helps her up but both looked at the imposter of Kalii. "Did you know you have a twin or a clone or an imposter, Hernandez?" Jesse asked Kalii
"I-I.......Dont know..." Her voice faded away. "We have to get inside though."
She followed them inside and was pushed in Kalii's and Jesse's room
"Who are you?" Kalii questioned her
"Sia for short though my real name is Simba-"
Jesse interupted, "what Death Pentaly race are you Sia?"
She looked down, "dont freak out please but I am from Redrum."
"Oh shit!" Kalii exclaimed, "to the wall, put your hands to the fucking wall right now!"
"I dont have weapons though i ran away from Redrum after beating up another girl"
"Why do you look like me?" Kalii asked
"Sorry but i dont know" Sia replied as Jesse came back
"I found her document," Jesse said tired after running from one side of the skybridge to the other and back he read it aloud.
" Name: Simba Heronwood
Race: Redrum
Information: She is a clone, has powers as well as a Hells Weapon does, she is not supposed to be a Redrum but she got off in the wrong crowd, she is a Hells Weapon. Sia is a clone of Kailin Hernandez's unborn identical female twin who died in the wifes womb of Peter Hernandez."
"So i couldve had a twin but she didnt survive but made a clone of it? Thats awesome!"
"Please though you need to help me.....they might want to come find me come kidnap me back because i look like you Leon had a plan that id pretend i was you create drama between you, Nelle, Miles, and Jesse with another boy though who has the same exact personality as Nelle."

Nelle and Miles barges in......

"Hey Jesse and-two Kaliis!?!?!?" Miles started as he walked in and Nelle followed
"Oh no its not what it looks like Miles cause i know what your thinking and it isnt pleasant."
"What the hell am i thinking then!" He grinned checked out Sia and bitting his bottom lip.
Kalii sighed, "two of you two and two of Kaliis but no."
"Yeah what she said," Sia agreed "Im Sia Heronwood nice to meet you" she sticks out her hand to Nelle.
"Im Nelle Rhymes and this is my twin brother Miles Rhymes." He greeted both and did the gangster way of greeting each other.
"Ummm Hello Sia do you even know me the one who saved your ass!?" Jesse questioned her impaitently and she answered nodding her head and calmly saying his name.

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