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Chapter 10

"Why did you kiddnap me bastard" Kalii said in a mirror and glass room. They actually threw her in the room "calm your tits Hernandez you may not be one of the Heavens Fire but you are part of another society called Hells Weapon." The first man said the second continued "Obviously you already know what is the society Heavens Fire but you dont know Hells Weapon do you?" Kalii looked confused "who are you people? What the hell is Hells Weapon?" She asked furiously "why me? Why not some other person?" The third man opened the door for Kalii to come out of the room he threw her in "we are a secret company called FAULS also known as For All Unique Living Suvivors. We watched you since you were 5 and others who are in the Heavens Fire or Hells Weapon." The first man said "follow me" he leaded her to another room but the lighting was blue and the walls and door were black. There were no windows what so ever "this is the document room......everything you need to know about the children in the Heavens fire or Hells Weapon." The thrid man closed the door behind them. Kalii walked to the table looking at 4 bins 1 said Heavens Fire and another said Hells Fire but the last two were unknown to Kalii she turned the one on the left top corner of the looking for the name of the bin she read More Information and then she did the same with the other on the top right corner of the table. It read Redrum "Redrum?" She thought looking back at the Heavens Fire bin she pulled one document. The tab said Miles Rhymes "Miles and Nelle have the same last name?!" She asked herself "the fuck?" Then opening the Document she saw the truth of Miles.

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