Now Miss Know it All

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Chapter 11

Miles Chase Rhymes
Birth Date: August 5th, 2020 (twin of Nelle)
Unique for: a good lair, everyone believes him, 80% of his life he lies

"I knew Miles was a lair" she said to herself. She looked up looking at the door then picked up all the bins and put them on the floor. Setting them around her as she sat in the middle. Kalii turned herself looking at the bin called Redrum, pulling out an index card

REDRUM AKA MURDER BACKWORDS, (a society filled with cold-hearted, bad kids)

She slide the card back in its place and took out a document with a familiar name

Leon Randy Smith
Birth Date: November 1st, 2020
Unique for: a backstabber, leader of the Redrum, fake leader of the Heavens Fire

She slapped her leg with the document folder "what?.......what is going on?" She asked herself. She turned herself to the next bin named Hells Weapon grabbing her own file

Kalii Amethyst Hernandez
Birth Date: June 2nd, 2020
Unique for: Leader of Hells Weapon, daughter of famous singer Peter Hernandez her mother is unknown, Kalii has strength, stamina, and knowledge like no other, she was treated the day she was born for a power it was seeing attacks happen in slow motion, 49 other babies were tested but quickly they all died but Kalii we must keep her safe from Redrum.

"Im that important? Huh is that why Im in here?" She yelled raising herself up walking around "opened the goddamn door and tell me the truth why am I here and who are you people...." She said lowering her voice. They opened the door and took her to an office a mile away from the Document Room "im sorry Hernandez we go by one, two, three" Two said then Three started to speak "we had our memories stolen but we only know our age" she looked over at the painting of the kids trying to kill each other then after a long paused One started talking "Im 43, Two is 25, and Three is our youngest of age 18." He turned to look outside "please Two and Three leave" they followed Ones orders and left "we have you here for many reasons but one reason is we believe you can take down the society Redrum as you read over in the room you were just in another main reason is you are the only one with the power in you while the rest died. If you die bad people will take over and Earth would be Hell you are our only hope." He paused to see if she had anything to say then started again "we need you to get information of more Hells Weapon and Heavens Fire and if you can Redrum. There is a myth but no one knows if its true or false." He stopped again to see if she had any questions "what is it?" Kalii asked sitting in the big leather chair "since you have the power and only you some say you are immortal and you stop aging at 15 which means whatever hieght youll be then is the hieght youll stay forever but if you defeat your villians your true love will also be immortal." Kalii answered quickly right after he was done, she stood up "theres no such thing as true love its fake" she said "there is true love you havent met him yet" right after he said that she thought of Nelle and Miles and told herself in her mind "but Nelle is my true love and Miles was my love not my true though......"

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