Just Kiddnap. No Rescue

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Chapter 8

Kalii looked at the eastern end of the mall the whole wall wasnt there. Leon looked over to where Kalii was looking "we need to get going now...." Leon command running, everyone followed him. Burns caught up to Leon quickly "where are we going?" She asked "stash food blanet clothes anything that we stored in Sleep Number." He answered she stoped so did everyone else but he kept running. "But we are Heavens Fire nothin can hurt us!" Niki looked over at Miles "all of us but Kalii she was just attacked" Russel brought up "why are you even here Kalii you are not one of us" he pushed her, Kalii didnt know what to do her hands were bloody from the broken glass she had fallen on and half of her face was still bruised pretty bad. "Stop Russel its not her fault." Miles said pushing Russel but he only took a step back "she may not be a Heavens Fire but she knows how to survive if you fucking saw her being attack shes like amazing" Miani backed Miles up. Nelle helped Kalii up as everyone argued Kalii stayed back. 5 minutes later a guy in a mask held a knife to Kaliis neck she stood there not tryna breathe hard and remained calm the man bended down to whisper into her ear "dont scream dont move or else i am not going to hesitate to kill you" Kalii noded slowly feeling the knife press a little hard everytime her head moved up then down again when she noded. "Everybody stay where you are and if you fucking move all yall fags will be so fucking sorry" the man said pointing the gun at Nelle then at Miles then at Niki. "Oh my fucking god" Miani whispered under her breath. The man got closer to Kalii, she felt his dick rubbing on her back she thought "im a going to die today? Please Miles or Nelle dont say anything at all." Miles put his hands up "what the hell are you gonna do if we moved" there was a long pause then two other men who looked liked the first one stood side by side with the first armed man "take her" he said pulling the knife away from Kalii and threw her to one of the guys who stood beside the armed man "in case yall need action my name is Hadix.
Kalii didnt scream or fight back she walked in the middle of the two men "Kalii!!!!!!!" Nelle screamed Niki held him down before he could reach her. Kalii turned to look at Nelle but the man behind her poked her back with his ak47 "keep walking dont look back Hernandez." She listen and never spoke.

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