Glory and Gore

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Chapter 18

Things went back to normal, just Nelle and Miles were put on a different team.
"Hey Nelle," Jillian waved, she walked toward him although he held his hand with Kalii. They didnt turn, Kalii whispered "dont look back, just walk." He did what was told but Jillian pushed them aparted "sit this one out babe," Jillian said "she is just a weak whore who doesnt know how to fight."

"What the hell Jillian, he is mine boyfriend back off!" Kalii yelled at her "well not anymore" Jillian said twirling her fingers in her hair. Kalii walked up to her and punched her face, Jill came back up secretly holding a pocket knife. Her nose was bleeding as well as her lip but Jill was swift and she cut Kalii's arm. Her arm bled but she didnt care. Jill droped the pocket knife and aimed her hands to pulled Kalii's hair. Although Kalii didnt grabbed her hair to pull, instead she pulled her closer, holding her arms tightly, then kneed Jillian in the stomach. Jillian laid on the floor then out of nowhere she pulled Kalii down with her then they punched, kicked, scratch, and pulled each others hair. Jillian and Kalii reach for the pocket knife trying to hold one another down. Kalii got up, though and picked up the pocket knife and ran. Meanwhile Nelle was telling Jesse what was going on. Kalii ran down the stairs with Jillian following and tried to open the door of team E. Kalii lost her grip of the knife because Jillian took it, and Kalii was being cut and stabbed repeatedly. Jesse got the door opened and saw the pool of Kalii's blood, Jill was covered in it as well as Kalii but she wasnt there. She attacked from behind Jillian, taking out her legs. "What the hell is going on!?" Jesse asked almost yelling in anger. "Shes trying to kill me!" Kalii answered as she laid on top of Jill just punching the side of her head over and over again. "Stop you guys!" Nelle said pulling Kalii off, altough it was very painful because of all the stabbing and cuts from the pocket knife "stop!!!!! Nelle!!!! Stop!!!! Let go!!!!!!" She screamed trying to get out of his grip, finally she did but it was too late Jillian was up. Kalii ran to her making two fists and using the inside side of both fists she hits Jillian's temples. Causing her to pass out.

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