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Chapter 17

Kalii knew what they were talking about, just not the fact that the FAULS did not tell her, her name was Niliak backwards "oh well my question is that bad or good?" She asked knowing it is a 50/50 chance either its good or bad. "I dont know but what we have to do is keep this a secret from the Redrum, tell FAULS, and set our races aside to fight and find out what this is together." Jesse said, there was dead silence for a minute then Nelle burts "yass, preech bitch preech!" Everyone laughed. Nelle looked over at Kalii, the only thing he wanted was for her to be happy and even though when they first met her scars from self harm shown, one red streak after another on both thighs, he didnt ask, think, say, or even heard about it. "Oh ok time to get serious" Miles said, "we were looking for you Kalii.......but what now?"
"We go to back to the institute." Jesse exclaimed, "but Jesse what about training?" She asked
He answered, "dont worry about it, Hernandez"

Couple minutes later theyre in the institute. "Who do we go to?" Miles asked looking up at Jesse because he was 7 years older than Kalii, Nelle, and Miles. He pointed at the door with big block letters that said, TEAM E, around there were names engraved into the door. Jesse opened the door and walked head of every body. "We have to go see one hes the leader of Team E" the long walk in the hallway took atleast 5 minutes to walk. As soon as they got there Jesse barged in "Sir One, we have something very valuable that will mean alot." Jesse said gesturing Miles to give him the book, One took a little gasped "The Niliak Book-but how did you find this young man" Miles blink then hesitated to answer "my twin brother found it while we were searching the abandoned library." Miles looked back at Nelle "Is that him? The man back there with Hernandez." Nelle looked over at Kalii then at Jesse "yes, hi sir, my name is Nelle and thats Miles" Nelle said making eye contact to One and then looked at Miles when he had said hos name. "Nelle and Miles, Im One and this is Two" he gestured with his arm to Two.
"Sir, the word Niliak is my name backwards thats why the N, A, and K are flipped" Kalii explained, "yeah and the book tells you everything you need to know about the Niliak." Nelle said. "Though, not Death Penalty, I assume." Kalii added.

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