Hopeless Anger

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Chapter 9

"We dont need her anyway" Russel smirked evil-ish "she wasnt one of us everywhere she went she caused godamn problems. We dont run, we dont hide, the important thing is we stick together" Miles was pissed "who made you leader of the Heavens Fire asshole" he said stepping up holding a sharp piece of glass "we are all humans some of us are just fucking lucky we survive" Nelle stood beside Miles "if your going to be that way leave you motherfucker we dont need you." "You know what fuck off me will you" he turned around starting to walk away headig north. He pulls out a dagger and swiftlys turns around throwing the dagger at Zedic sinking into his chest "Zedic!!!! No!!!!!" Miani said lowering him carefully to the ground "why did you do that he was only 11!!!!" She looked at him then at Zedic "Zedic stay with me please dont die come on little bro im sorry i never talked to like ever im sorry for everything dont die" he breathed deep but slowly "two words" he said "kill evil-doers" and he died "but Zedic!!!!......THATS THREE WORDS!!!!! Wake up wake up wake up!!!" Miani shook him "hes dead" Russel said "i know something you dont" he looked at Burns "Leon and I are working on the other side" he said walking away Miani grabbed the dagger and threw it at his leg therefore he fell in pain "what the fuck Miani" he said in his usual britian accient pulling it out then looking up seeing Miani holding Miles sharp broken glass and she stabbed him to death "Die!!! Die!!!! Go back to hell!!!! Die!!!" She stopped then continued "aghhh just die" she stabbed both eyes 20 times each "Miani stop!!!! Niki said going after her trying to get the knife and the glass away from her.

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