Twin Brother

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Chapter 12

Meanwhile when Kalii was in the secret FAULS institute. Everyone who was left behind by Kalii at the mall were back in the van.

"What are we going to do?" Burns asked "Kalii lied to us she wasnt one of us.....she might only be human not a Heavenly Fire" Nelle looked over at Miles then at Burns "No obviously shes not one of us but neither a human. She could be some different-unknown race" he said. "What if shes part of the Redrum like Ruess?" Niki asked and everyone gave a little gasp "enough!" Leon paused then continued "enough talking about Kailin Hernandez we might never know where she is, if shes alive or not, or even if shes coming back, for god sakes we dont even know the fucking guys who took her." There was dead silence everyone sat back down, Nelle sat beside Miles "im sorry....." Nelle whispered "its my fault this happened my life has been a wreck since i lost my twin" Miles looked at him "im not trying to sound gay or anything but for some reason looking you or Kalii makes me feel like im looking into a mirror." Nelle said looking back at him "when and where did you lose your twin? Cause i find it strange i lost my twin too" Miles looked shocked and started to anwser "well the start of this whole disaster happened i lived with a family my dad and my twin brother, I was hit in the head by my dad because i was the hated one so i passed out and when i woke up i was in the orphange but my twin brother wasnt there everyone kept asking me what my name was, where i was from and stuff like that but i couldnt remember not even my own last name i could remember" Nelle was shocked "Miles im your twin brother!?"
"What thats impossible" Miles said
"No my story is almost the same but my perspective"
"Well we do look alike except your eyes are black as coal and mine are sapphire"
Then Miles grinned "its nice seeing you again bro" Nelle laughed and agreed the same.

15 minutes later they arrive to a store called Books and Records. As they all walk in Leon gives a command "ok find anything that involves this worldwide unknown death penalty" they took the order and started the search
"Miles, I found a book" Nelle said calling him towrads the empty shelf of dusty books "someone must have tried to hide it cause obviously it was just put there i know because its the only thing not dusty" Miles studied the book then opened it to a random page. It had said.

CHAPTER 21: Races of Death Penatly

Then he flipped backwards to a random page again

CHAPTER 5: Niliak, Powerful Thing Ever Made

Miles gives the book to Nelle opened to chapter 5 "what?......" Nelle asked looking at Miles confused then turned the page. He read out loud

"Niliak, a powerful LIVING sorce that is believed to give anything you asked. It is a wooden board similar to the ouja board, giving answers to anything but different because there only one and not believed to be controlled by spirits. Although, this board is found in San Salvador, El Salvador. Niliak is also a person and a this book keep this book if you have found it and keep reading for more information of the worldwide invisible apocolyspe named Death Penalty. In the back of this book theres written in letters NILIAK, landscaped across the paper. Rip that paper off and keep it with you until you give it to the Niliak person, whom shall be the only person who is able to control the Niliak board and possibly Death Penalty." Miles looked at him shocked "we need to do what the book asked. What is the name of that book?" Nelle closed the book to look at the name "its called Death Penalty: survival guide" Miles repeats what he had said earlier "we need to do what the book asked but by ourselves no other Heavenly Fires with us are you in?" Nelle smirks slightly "fuck yeah"

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