Truth of Pain

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Chapter 7

Kalii walked out the glasses store seeing no one out the Niki tell her to go back she but Kalii was confused "what the hell is she tryna to tell me" she thought jogging to Niki. But a trash can was thrown at her and holding her to the wall pressing on her stomache until she felt numbing in her ribs. She felt herself slidding down as if she was being pulled then a brand new car crashed right on top of the trash can an she was held about 20 feet off the ground. Falling down and landing with knees on the floor she laid sideways in pain and closed her eyes in a long blink she opened them up and saw the car falling about to crush her so she rolls over and stands up looking at the car. It was balancing on the tip front of the car then it fell toward Kalii. She was steping backwards but slips on the broken glass of the windshield as she fell on her butt and flat straight out legs and the palms of her hands behind her an thankfully was saved by the hood of the car. She panted and whispered "dios mio" and making the sign of the cross. She laid there for 3 mins then got up and started running as fast as she can. She ran past Niki and Miani "shes running faster than anyone I know" Miani pointed out. Kalii ran as fast as she could and jumped into the huge fountian. As the car blew up the lights also blew up sparks flew into the water and underwater Kalii could only hear the sizzle of sparks and her lungs couldnt hold her breath anymore but it wasnt over she had stuff thrown into the water the a big chunk of the mall covered Kalii and crushing the fountain. She was running out of oxygen and was too weak to pull herself out so she laid there hoping someone will help here Miani looked at Niki "Nelle and the guys need to help her!!!" Niki ran off to find the others finding Miles first "Miles help!!! Kalii stuck underwater in the fountain shes drowning!!!" She ran to the fountain with Miles and Miani tried helping by moving the stuff she could pick up Russel Zedic Burns Nelle and Leon went to the fountain to help "on the count of 3 we lift this up and Nelle will pull Kalii out....1....2.....3!" Leon ordered everybody lifted it as far as they could and Nelle grabbed Kalii and pulled her out quickly but yet gently. He looks at Kalii her eyes closed and so was her mouth. Nelle listens to her heart closely hearing her heart beat getting slower so Burns did CPR and listened again after "her heart is stronger now" she grinned at Nelle "you lucky little bitch" he smiled hugging Kalii "thank you so much Burns......thanks." Kalii gasped and sat up looking at everyone "Kalii!" Nelle hugged her down "i thought you would die" "im alive now" she cupped Nelles face.

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