Lost Now She Is Found

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Chapter 16

"I remember this place, its where Kalii dumped me cause I cheated on her but hey what can I say Im-" Miles was interupted by Nelle "why in the fucking hell would you do that to her? Shes perfect who she is." He argued back with Nelle, "i dont care i have dated her for 4 years" Nelle look at him the dead in the eye and stuck his middle finger up "hey you stup-" Miles was interupted by the talking of other idividuals. "Yeah I know Jillian could be so mean to other girls when there around me cause shes jelious" Three panting after running a mile and a half to the Miracle "hey Three?" She asked
"Yeah whats up Hernandez?"
"I want to call you, Jesse not Three. Can I please?"
"Sure" Three (who is now gonna be named Jesse for now on) saw to people in the distance "Hey who are you guys?"
Jesse asked pulling out his pistol and grabbed his pocket knife in his pocket but didnt take it out "nah, the question is who the hell are you two?" Miles yelled, "Miles stop being an asshole" Nelle slapped the back of Miles head. Kalii gasped "Nelle?" She whispered, Jesse looked confused "who?...."
"My boyfriend, his name is Nelle!" Kalii spoke excited but yet soft "come on!" She yelled holding Jesses hand and they ran to Miles and Nelle meeting them half way. Both Miles and Nelle say at once "Kalii!?" Nelle hugged her tightly then pressed his lips with hers then quickly he had ready let go of her, but she felt it passed to quick to even remember what just happened "i thought youd been dead already"
"Hey we took her cause shes a rare kind of Niliak race" Jesse but in "oh that reminds me, you, i dont know your name but-" Miles started "its Jesse"
"Ok Jesse do you know alot about the Niliak?" he asked
"Yeah" Jesse answered quickly
"Look at this" Miles unfolded the paper thst had said Niliak in ink, big on the paper. Miles told him to flip it, he did what was command from Miles, then Nelle told him to look through it through the sun holding it up, Jesse did as he was told
"Kailin,.........it says Kailin" Jesse turns to look at Kalii who was standing zoned out "what?"
"Your name? Is it Kailin Hernandez?" Jesse asked she answered
"Yes but im called Kalii more than Kailin"
She answered his face drained
"Your name backwards is Niliak! You have something to do with it..." he said a little freaked out.

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