Scars Are Memories

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Chapter 19

"You killed Jill!?" Jesse was happy but scared he never actually wanted her dead. "No dont be ridiculous she's passed out" Kalii said walking into team E "now if you can excuse me i have to take shower and see the nurses here. Do you have any?" She asked, he looked down and nodded his head no. "I dont know..." He replied questionably

Three hours later

Kalii sat in the bathtub with cold running water hitting her body as the blood and water mixed down into the drain. "What if i do have to do with Niliak like they said" she gasped "that means i have superpowers!?" She asked herself excitedly trying to forget about all the pain she is going through now, Jillian left forever scars on Kalii with a simple pocket knife. Although most cuts were on her back and legs. She sighed deeply turning off the shower and putting on a black towel looking into the mirror and saw two cuts over laping each other, one went across her whole lip and the left side of that scar went far near her ear and another scar a little above her eyebrow down scaring her eye as well but it ran all the to the lower jawbone. She wanted to cry but knew it would burn. She had her clothes on under 10 minutes and opened the door bumping into Nelle. "Im sorry" Kalii said picking up his phone and getting up helping. "Kalii wait!" He pleaded the only thing he didnt see was her face, she didnt want to show her face because of the scars. "Kalii look at me"
"No, Nelle, Im ugly and gross looking, im scared all over." Nelle grabbed Kaliis shoulders tight "No Kalii. I love you and you know that I would love you no matter the circumtances please.....Kalii......." She didnt turn to look at him "" she said Nelle noticed it didnt even sound like Kalii he let go and she ran. He secretly followed her. Kalii ran to the door signing the sheet on the table beside

Name: Kailin Hernandez
Number: Zero
Date: December 7
Destination: agent ones room

She opened the door and Nelle followed so far he hasnt seen her face or the left over scars on her body because she wore baggy oversized navy blue sweatpants and a black tank top then Kalii did look back before going up 5 flight of steps. Nelle hid behind a pole hoping she didnt see him. She turned again and started to walk up the stairs. He waited till he heard a metal heavy door open then he ran up the stairs and caught up to Kalii. She was already in Ones Office signing herself as someone who needed help fast. Nelle walk in and sat beside her, Kalii looked over at him quickly then back "wait....." Kalii thought, she looked back at Nelle "Nelle what are you doing here?" She asked looking at him as he took a little gasp in what had happened to her face she turned to the other end fast "I am here to help you....Kalii....let me be with you through this I'll do anything for you" he reached for her hand to hold "I love you" he looked down at their hands. Kalii kissed his lip gently so he wouldnt feel the scars "I love you too." She sat back and relized everything will be ok, everything is better with him.

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