The Runner

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Chapter 23

"Where is Sia!!!!!!" Leon yelled loudly "godammit what in the fucking death penaltys sake happened ?"

"Jasen, Lyn, Sia, and I got into a fight and she ran out of here i followed her but it was too late i couldnt find her" Espiel

"Is that so?" Burns asked

"Yes its true" Espiel said as he saw Leon walking torward him. Leon picked him up by his neck and chocked him. "Go find her bring her back dead or alive personally just bring her dead." Leon had let go and left Espiel to cough.

1 hour later

Espiel sat on the window again like in the begining he thought of Sia. "Listen Espiel-" Lyn started but was interupted by Espiel turning around scared and held a knife to Lyn's head but grabbed her arm tightly then when he relized who she was he relaxed himself and touched Lyn's wrist. "Dont ever fucking do that ever again, kay? I could have killed you!" He whispered so no one heard him

"But you didnt" she replied the relaxed her shoulders, "I have a question for you," he nodded and waited for her to continued "ok so who do you like-"

He quickly respond, "Sia Heronwood, I dont just like her, I love her alot actually."

"Fuck you, Espiel" she said walking away
He replied with "when, where, and how?" He grins slightly and as she walks away she stook up her middle finger. He put the knife in its holster and got going out the door even though it was late at night. As he walked out the door he was used to the darkness but just need to know where she went so he got out a flashlight that had many many extra batteries in his backpack he was going to take but left it in his room. "Wow Sia, I cant believe you...." Espiel took a deep breathe and went back inside straight to his room. Espiel had a room like the rest a crappy cheap full size bed and wooden creaky floors although the room was abnormally larger than the other rooms.

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