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Chapter 21

While they were in the institute of FAULS. Heavens Fire searched for shelter, food, clothing, etc. but most importantly watching whos around them every race knew what "Fight the invisible, Fear the visible" meant

Burns was pulled to the side by Leon "come with me"
"what do you mean I am with you?"
"No come join Redrum with me! I am the leader" he said impaitenly
"YOURE THE LEADER OF REDRUM!!!" She blurted out purposly so everybody could hear. And they did hear and turned facing her. He hushed her
"Come on please" he begged
"Ok!" But it just reminded her of Kalii. She would never want Burns to be her enemy. She did anyway.
While the Heavens Fire walked off. Burns and Leon left running into the trees

Kalii was training outside with Jesse and without knowing was seen by Burns and Leon. "Look its Kalli!" Burns exclaimed
"Shut up we cant be seen by them, she is appart of the institue thats highly insecure called FAULS. Which means For All Unique Living Survivors. If she isnt a Heavens Fire then shes probably a Redrum, Hells Weapon, or human." Leon said, Burns blinked in confusion looking at Leon but he didnt look back. "Should we attack?" She asked "no not today leave them..." He answered leaving with Burns following behind him. "So whats the deal about Redrum?" She asked
"Redrum is a group, I am the leader but the thing is there was this experiment that was tested on 50 babies 49 of them died instantly except one she has the power that no one i have known in Redrum knows but there will be a day where it would show who has it, us Redrum, if we want to be the most powerful group ever we must kill her and guess what? Her names Kailin Amethyst Hernandez and she has something to do with the Niliak since she survived the experiment." Burns looked shocked "oh...." Was her reply and it was dead silent on the way to the Redrum house. Was an abandoned exorism house and all exorism that falled, people were thrown into the basement and kept there forever. They used it anyway if you were going to be one of the Redrum, fear isnt an option. "This is plan ass scary how in the hell do you do it?" Burns asked
"I dunno" he said boredly but she was still fasinated in everything

Inside the Redrum house.

A 14 year old skinny, darkly skinned, boy sat in the window with a hoodie over his head and sharpened his knife over his other knife. Even though he had dark skin, his eyes were sapphire and his hair had blonde tips. "Leon is coming with a girl?...." He sprung up then everyone was around him at once looking out the only window they had. "Damn hes late." Another boy said with pale skin, dirty blonde hair that reached his shoulder, his eyes were different colors though, one was grey with a scar from between the eyebrows down to his slim cheeck bones, he went blind in the eye, but his right eye was green and had perfect vision. Next to him was a girl who was chewing gum "like always Jasen, so dont be surprise" She answered him walking away "dont be a bitch..." The boy who sat in the window said turning to her. "Do you really want to talk to me like that, Espiel" she turned back and walked towards . He got up "try me Lyn."
"Stop you two, you two are worse than Chris Brown with women!" a girl said who look alot like Kalii just a little light skin, Kalii has lightly dark tanned skin. "I agree with Simba we shouldnt be fighting each other just others like Hells Weapons or Heavens fire." A boy who looked alot like Nelle said, his name is Ray. The door opens and they get scared, Lyn screams, everyone else gasped. "You scared us Leon!" Lyn said out of breath "bitch please you got so scared you pissed youself" Espiel laughed. "I have a plan, a conclusion. It involves Niliak and a girl who looks alot like Simba just a darker color" Leon said "lets just say it will be a piece of cake, and as quickly as......uhhhhh.......nevermind about that" he finished "Simba enjoy your days as Kalii Hernandez." She turned to him in confusion "what?"

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