The Player

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Chapter 6

"Kalii?" Nelle whispers turning to look at Niki. She just tilts her head towards Kalii and Nelle turns holding Kalii and droping everything in his hands, nose to nose chest to chest eye to eye and legs tangled into one another Nelle looked at Kalii his face blushed as he stood holding Kalii from slipping and falling taking him down as well. Kaliis lips were so close to Nelles he can feel her soft gentle lips on his and as she began to talk that feeling was still there "nice catch Nelle...." She whispered on his lips. His face flushed picking her up gently and bending down to grab the stuff he had dropped just to catch the fast incoming girl.

It was 11:30 at night, 12 hours has passed since the inciddent of Kalii and Miles. Kalii sat at the mall door her legs crossed into each other holding a ice cold towel up to her eye. Miles sat beside her she got up quickly dropping the towel on the floor and jumped up and stood 6 feet away from Miles. "Kalii I wont hurt you anymore I have a question so please sit" he said hugging his right knee tightly she sat down where she had stood the towel was in between them. Miles scooted over closer to her but not as much as he had planned because he was stopped by Kalii "dont come any closer" she said pissed off he didnt listen and scooted more closer "stop! Miles stop there!" She took out her blade her foster father had gave her before watching him die pointing it at Miles and continued taking a deep breath "stay there talk to me from there dont come any closer...." Miles felt sorry for Kalii punching her giving her a black eye and a bloody nose and a bruise cheek bone.
"Kalii i dont like Sammy...." He said with sympathy "I dont know what happened or how you followed me but loo-"
Kalii looked shocked at Miles "then whyd you call her babe" "I dont know" she starred icely at Miles "real feeling just dont "go away" youre a player and i learned that the hard way. 2 fucking years for nothing Miles are you serious?" She asked getting up and started to walk away "Nelle is not the guy for you" Miles called after "hes not who you think he is..." She stopped and turned seeing he was standing as well his grey converse hightops with jeans and a black sweatshirt that said Vans in graffiti his beautiful blue eyes stood out ever much and brown hair was in a fohawk he was tall and skinny and he looked alot like Nelle "remember when i told you i lost my twin at the school because it was way too big for us when we were 4 yeah just letting you know in case you forgot...." She turned and thought for a while and walking into a glasses store "is Nelle his twin or Maia or Nicki or am I.....ew that would be gross because dating your sister is just wrong" she tooked out her contacts and put her glasses back on her face.
I dont what boys find in me Im ugly as hell she sighed.

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