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Chapter 14

Nelle pulled out the book again. Under the stars he couldnt see the words so he grabbed Miles flashlight as he slept. Shinning it on the cover of the book he read Niliak but something was wrong the N was backwords and the K. "Miles wake up" he genlty shook him "miles wake your lazyass up" he shook him harder "fine be the mothafucka you want to fucking be but one thing you should know Miles dont fucking mess with me." Nelle said loaded, and pointed the gun at him. "Oh shit sorry-im up chill your ass" he woke up not suddenly but very tired still.
"Look at this the n and k are reversed"
"I dont give a fuck let me sleep" Miles rolled pulling the blanket over his head.
"Miles, I will fucking shoot your little fucking head, and i dont regret whom ive killed in the past. I am not going to hesitate to kill my own fucking real biological twin brother" Nelle argued
"Aight nigga i got this"
Miles sat up "hand me the book"
Nelle gave him the book. Flipping through the pages, Miles saw what Nelle had said about the n and k "this is on every page too"
"Wait Miles check the paper that was in the back of the book" Nelle said
Miles opened to the back of the book and there was the big thick black inked letter that spelled "niliak". He ripped the 2nd page off there was 8 more pages left that had also said niliak. "Maybe we can point the flashlight under maybe theres something under hiding" Nelle points the flashlight under but nothig showed "maybe if we flip it then put the flashlight under" Nelle said. Miles blurted out loud and quick "IT SPELLS KAILIN! IT FUCKING SPELLS KAILIN! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Nelle said after calmly "maybe she has something to do with it, its a word-a book for a reason" Miles quickly answered "we have-i mean need to find her!" "Tomorrow" Nelle said, "tomorrow we will find her but we to get rest...."

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