Jelous Blonde

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Chapter 15

The next day, Kalii laid on the cold, empty matress she thought she'd never sleep on. Instead of waking up with someone she loved laying beside her, she was dissapointed in what she woke up to.
"Hey Hernandez" Three was all geared up with weapons and dark blue jeans with a purple v-neck and a red sweatshirt on top. "Get ready we gonna train with Death" he grinned slightly "Death? As in Death Penalty?" She asked, he nodded. (30 mins later they were heading out the door)
"Ew who is she?" A girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes called from behind. She wore a tight short dress with highheels, holding her Micheal Kors handbag "leave Jillian." Three didnt turn but Kalii did. "Are you asking for a fight blondie?" Kalii asked, As Jillian wore her dress and highheels, Kalii wore a blue oversized sweatshirt with her hoodie over her head and her ombré hair laid on her left shoulder, she had also on black leggings on and and black and dark purple Jordans. "Woah ladies ladies, especially you, Jillian" Three finally turned, "you know what the rules are. I know Im attractive dont need to fight over me cause Hernandez has a boyfriend and Jillian im not into you."
"She treatened me though!" Jillian whinned
"And?........i dont give a fuck ok Jillian? Shes new, she doesnt even know the rules" he yelled at Jillian. She didnt answered just turned, flipped her hair and catwalked away. "Im sorry." He continued "anything to say or ask before we go to the Miracle "yeah why is her name Jillian and your name is Three?" She asked
"When you start here and you have no Niliak race u start with your name depending which FAULS team they put you in since my number is three im the third person to join the team and since there can only be 10 people in one team. The 10th person isnt gonna be named 10 he or she is gonna be named 0. Oh and we are team E."
"One more thing, whats your name?"
"My name is Jesse Kissingher, my last name is the most ridiculous cause its spelled K-I-S-S-I-N-G-H-E-R" he said as they opened the door and ran to the Miracle.

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