Chapter 4

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The next day she made a plan to leave. She had thought about bringing Percy with her but she realized if she told him about it he would try to convince her to stay. So on Tuesday night she got into bed with black jeans, a tight black t-shirt, black sneakers, and a black sweatshirt. She also had a green duffel bag with clothes and all the other essentials.

When she was sure Amalia was asleep she got up out of bed and grabbed her duffel bag from her closet. As she was walking to the window she walked past her desk and saw the locket her parents had given her right before the drive that took them away from her.

It was a gold heart locket with a floral design on the front, the chain was gold.. She walked over to her desk and grabbed the locket. As she looked at the 2 pictures in it a stray tear slid down her cheek.

1 picture in the locket was of her Percy and Emily when they were 7 ½ standing in front of the candy shop, their hands full of candy, percys of course was all blue candy because he was obsessed with blue. Emily's hands were full of pink candy and Emma's hands were full of purple candy.

Then she looked at the other picture. It was her parents and her when she was 9. That day her mother booked a photographer to take family photos but earlier that day Amalia had baked and brought the extras to them, they had been in the kitchen laughing and eating mallowmelt and custard bursts.

When they got situated for the picture Emma had looked at her parents and started laughing, then they looked at her and started laughing. It turns out they had custard all over their faces. They decided to leave it and do the picture with it on their faces. It had been one of the best days of Emma's life and one of the few fun ones she had after she turned 8. As she looked at it another rebellious tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly put the locket on, tucking it under her shirt.

She walked over to the window and opened it, smelling the polluted new york air. Once she had decided how to get across town to the boats she dropped her bag out the window and it landed with a soft "thump". As she started climbing out the window and down the fire escape she started thinking about where she was going to go. She decided to see where the boats were going.

When she got down to the docks she looked around at all the destinations. There were 4 boats, one going to Maine. Another going to another part of New york, one going to Florida, and the last one going to France. Emma had always wanted to go to France but that boat had too many people on it and seemed like she would need a ticket. The Florida boat had some people so she chose that one. She had heard that Florida was nice.

As she walked towards it she saw the name of the boat beside it. Its name was the Argo 2. What kind of name is that? She thought. A boy that looked like a latino elf was barking orders at everybody On that boat. "Piper raise the sails!" He yelled. "Aww can't they raise themselves, Repair boy!" The girl asked. "No," answered. "Fine!"

Switching to Emma's first person pov.

"Jason get ready to fill the sails!"

"Aye Aye repair boy!" The boy named Jason answered. Repair boy? I thought, What kind of nickname is that? "Shut it, blondie!" Leo answered. "Fine!"

"Percy Clean the hull!" Leo shouted. Wait percy? "Aye Aye captain!" A voice from the far end of the ship said so I couldn't see him. "Wise girl, can you help me?" I Heard Percy's voice ask. Immediately I turned and headed towards that boat.

"Sure seaweed brain!" I heard a girl answer and I looked in that direction. I saw a girl with piercing gray eyes and blond hair.

Also What kind of nicknames are these? Seaweed brain? Wisegirl? "Beauty Queen, are you done yet?" "yea" answered the girl piper. "K you should go train with Hazel and Frank."

As they stopped yelling I started walking to their ship. Their ramp was down so I walked up it and walked onto the boat. The closest person was Jason so I started walking towards him. He whipped around when he heard me coming towards him with a sword in his hands. Wait a sword?? When Jason saw me he relaxed a little bit but he didn't put the sword away.

"Why do you have a sword?" I asked him. He gave me a confused look.

"You can see it?"

"Yea why wouldn't I be able to see it?"

"Umm no reason. Who are you?"

"I'm Emma who are you"

"Jason.what are you doing on this boat?"

"I think I know someone here."



"Let me call the gang over here." he said to me. "Guys get over here!" When he called the gang I thought I saw a flash of raven black hair. I started to think I was actually right. As they gathered around, Jason introduced everybody.

"I'm Jason, this is Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, the captain of the ship you could say and Annabeth." As he said everyone's names he pointed at them. "Oh and here's Percy, late as usual." as he said that he pointed behind me. I turned around and gasped, he had raven black hair, sea-green eyes and scars. "Percy?"

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