Chapter 20

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Percy pov

As Emma talked I felt bad for her. Her parents were ruthlessly murdered by her own sister. Her brother was murdered by her sister. A relationship with a sibling is something to be cherished. They will protect you and always be by your side. They understand you the best. And the other way around too. The fact that her own sister ruined that relationship for her is sickening.

"Yes, Harper is my sister." She confirmed. "What was the secret she was talking about?" I asked.

Emma pov

I looked up at Percy and took a deep breath. I can tell them the truth or I can tell them that was the secret. If i tell them the truth they probably won't trust me anymore. If I lie I will feel guilty and the truth will probably come out one way or another. "I know what you're thinking. Just tell the truth." Emily said in my head. I looked over at her. "Please" she finished. "Fine." I answered. Emily let out a sigh of relief.

"You guys really want to know?" I asked meekly. "Yes." Annabeth answered. I looked around and saw everyone nodding their heads. "Fine. but just remember. This was years ago I never did any damage and would never do it again." I started. "When I was in Tartarus the first time I was about to be killed when Tartarus appeared. He asked me to join their side and I said no." I looked up and everyone looked relieved.

"But. He promised that they would bring back my family and that I wouldn't have to see my sister. I was desperate to see my father and brother so I agreed. Tartarus told me how to get out. I was on my way there when I was killed. I'm glad I died or I never would have met all of you and I would still be on his side." I looked up at everybody and saw that the seven were all looking at me suspiciously but Nico, Percy, and Emily all looked concerned. "You okay?" Nico asked in my head. "I guess." I answered. "We'll be right back." Annabeth said, motioning to the seven, other than Percy. The six walked out.

Annabeth pov

We walked out of the cabin and stood a couple yards away from the door. "Can we trust her?" Jason asked. "I'm not sure." I answered. "She was a spy though." Leo said. "I know but like she said she didn't do any damage." I answered. "She could be lying." Jason contradicted.

"That's true but why tell us she worked for him if she was going to lie anyways. She could have easily said the secret was that Harper was her sister." I answered. "She can be trusted." A voice said from behind us.

I turned around and saw Emily and Percy standing there. "She has been like our sister from the very beginning." Percy started. "And she would never betray us." Emily continued. "Especially not after all we've been through." Percy said. "I think you're right." Piper said. "We know we're right." Emily answered. "So we trust her?" Jason asked. "Yup" Leo said, popping the p. We walked back inside. Emma and Nico weren't there.

Emily pov

Why aren't they here? When did they leave? "Where are you guys?" Percy said in our heads. "Well I didn't feel like listening to them debate if they can trust me or not and bringing up my past gave me some anger to work out so Nico shadow traveled us to the arena." Emma said "Yup." Nico chimed in. "They're in the arena." I said out loud. The six looked at me. "How do you know that?" Hazel asked. "Umm. Just a hunch." I said but it came out as more of a question. Thankfully they ignored it and walked out to do whatever they do all day. "I'm going to the beach." Percy said. "K" I answered, and walked out.

I walked over to the climbing wall and saw a bunch of the campers near it. I walked over to the crowd, "Why is everybody over here?" I asked Leo. He turned towards me, "because Clarisse is about to break her record of eleven minutes." He answered, excited. "Ok" I shoved my way to the front just as Clarisse hit the top of the wall.

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