Chapter 5

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Percy's pov

After the incident with Emily I had to go home and eat dinner with my mom. Dinner was chicken with a blue sauce. After dinner I grabbed 2 blue cookies and went to the living room so that I could watch Finding Dory. During the flashback part where she's super young I got an IM(iris message). It was Chiron telling me that the rest of the 7 were here and I had to go with them back to camp so I packed up, said goodbye, and left to go down to the docks. While Leo was barking orders I caught a glimpse of the brown hair with a purple streak that I knew all too well. It can't be her can it? I thought to myself. Just as I was about to go investigate Leo told me to clean the hull. "Aye Aye Captain! Wise girl, can you help?" I yelled "Sure seaweed brain." "What do you need my help with? she asked.

Annabeth's pov

When Percy called me over I was confused because why would he need help cleaning the hull when he has his water powers. "What do you need my help with?" I asked. "There's this girl." I raised my eyebrow at that. "No, not like that." He said "She is my BEST friend here and I think I just saw her at the docks. Can you go see if she's there?" "Umm sure," I answered, "What does she look like?" "Well she has brown hair with a purple streak and the fact that she might be here right now means she's probably wearing black." "ok...." I said, confused. Why does the fact that she's out right now mean she's wearing black. As I turned around to go look I heard Jason call us over. I look at him and he's talking to a girl that has a purple streak in her hair. Before I can say anything Percy says "You go ahead, I want to finish this up."

After everyone except Percy was gathered next to the girl and Jason, Jason introduced us "I'm Jason this is Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, the captain of the ship and Annabeth." He pointed to each one of us when he said our names. Just then Percy walked up behind the girl "Oh and here's Percy, late as usual." Jason said. The girl turned around. "Percy?" she gasped.

Back to percy's pov

After Annabeth walked away I finished cleaning the hull and was near the front of the ship so I decided to walk up the ramp. When I could see everyone there was another girl there too. Her back was to me and her hair was in two fishtail braids but I could still see a streak of purple in her brown hair. Jason was just finishing introducing everybody when I walked up. I heard him introduce me as he pointed at me.

The girl turned around and I froze. "Percy?" she gasped. Then she ran to me and hugged me. For a moment I was frozen in shock but then I relaxed and hugged her back. When we let go of each other I gave her a stern look and said "Why are you here Em?" "oh umm about that. I'm running away." She said
"What why?" i was shocked "Because I can't deal with being home anymore." I sighed, "Alright." Then I turned and introduced her to the group. "Guys this is Emma. We grew up together she's like my little sister." When I said that Emma punched me in the arm " Shut up you're only a month older than me." "OW" I said. I know I went through 2 wars but this girl was strong. After her parents had died she had started going to the gym even more and had worked out her aggression there. She was actually a little stronger than Annabeth. "Whatever." she said. "Well Emma, what about Amalia?" "I left a note, she'll be fine. You aren't taking me back right? I won't let you."

Emma's pov

I was confused. Why did they all laugh when I said I wouldn't let percy bring me back. Do they think he's indestructible or something? When I had said I wouldn't let him, I meant I would use my magic. Percy and Emily are the only living people who know and over the years I have learned to control it a little more so that it usually doesn't act up when I'm emotional. So Percy knew what I meant and backed off.

"Fine Fine I won't take you back." He said, "but why are you on our boat?" "Well I was gonna get on the ship to Florida but I heard your name and voice so I figured I'd check it out. Plus I saw the sword and was curious. Can I come with you? Where are you going?" "Wait, you can see the sword?"Annabeth asked."That's what i said!" Jason added.

"Percy, why does everyone keep saying that?" "What do you-" Percy started. "Guys hate to break up this weird moment but we have to set sail." Leo interrupted. Percy turned and gave him a glare. It wasn't even his worst glare but Leo still flinched. "Ugh, fine let's hurry up. Everyone knows what to do. Jason, come on we need to help get the ship moving" Percy said, "Then he turned to look at me, "I'll be right back and I will explain everything for now and try not to ask too many questions. Clearly you're either a demigod or a clear sighted mortal, which would make sense." He said. "A what or a what?" I asked but he had already turned away and was walking towards the side of the ship.

I turned around when the ship started moving super fast and almost fell. I looked up and Jason was in the air but he wasn't touching anything or sitting on anything so how was he up there? Eventually Jason came down but Percy was still at the side of the ship. I heard Jason say something like camp half blood. I am so confused. When Percy came back over to me I started yelling questions at him. "How was Jason up there? And how'd we go so fast? Also is camp half blood where you go every summer? Where'd you get all your scars?" "Explanations. now." I said glaring at him. "What do you know about Greek mythology?"

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