Chapter 24

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Emma pov

No. no no no. This can not be happening. Why is he on their side? "Nico?" I asked. He looked at me. "Hello Emma." He spat out my name like it was trash. "Nico what's wrong?" Percy asked, stepping forward. "Nothing is wrong. In fact everything is right." He answered, turning his gaze to Percy. "Nico, why would you do this?" Emily asked.

"The gods are pathetic fools that don't even acknowledge that their kids are alive. They don't realize that without us they would have been overthrown thousands of years ago" He answered her. "Neeks-"

Before I could finish my sentence Harper yelled "ATTACK!" And the monsters surged towards us. The archers in the back of our army started firing arrows over our heads so that they landed in the monster army. The demigods surged forward with Percy, Emily and I leading them. I fought my way towards Nico.

I was almost there when a cyclops appeared in front of me. I growled and tried to stab it. I dodged and tried to slash at me. I jumped and landed behind it. I jumped again, this time landing on its back. I stabbed it and jumped off. It turned to dust and I took off towards Nico again. I finally got to where Nico was. He was standing in the back of the army, not fighting anything yet. He saw me and lunged. Thus began our deadly dance.

Percy pov

Our army ran at them as they ran at us. Our armies collided and we fought. I had just finished fighting a group of hellhounds and was looking to see who needed the most help when a growl came from behind me. I whipped around to see the Minotaur charging towards me."Beefhead, why don't you just stay dead?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

He growled again and ran faster. I waited till he was about 5 feet away from me and then sidestepped and he charged past me, as he did I jumped and landed on top of him. He tried to buck me off but I grabbed his horns and steered. I stabbed my sword into his head and jumped off.

He poofed and I turned to Kelli who was right behind me. "Sup kelli." I said. "Hello Perseus." She answered. "So how was your most recent trip to Tartarus?" I asked, saying it like I actually cared when in reality Luke Larson was sneaking up behind her. I tried not to look at him as he slowly crept up. She snarled and took two steps toward me. "Well demigod if you must know it was delightful. I made many allies that also want to kill you." The first part was dripping with sarcasm but the second part made me a little worried. Before I could reply Luke stabbed Kelli in the back. We watched her as she poofed away. Luke looked up at me but he looked behind me. "PERCY LOOK OUT!"

Emily pov

Slash, dodge, kick, stab, dodge. That was my routine. I was fighting a group of dracanae. "You will not sssssurvive thisss night little demigod" The first dracanae taunted.

"Whatever. So many monsters have told me that before and look where I am." I answered her as I ducked under a pair of claws. I continued slashing till the one that talked was the only one left. Quickly, I lunged and slashed, she didn't have enough reaction time so she turned to dust. AS she poofed to Tartarus I heard a yell "PERCY LOOK OUT!!" I turned and saw him drop to the ground as a demigod threw a sword at a cyclops. Then I heard a different scream.

I turned and saw a young girl about to be stabbed by the manticore. I ran over and from behind and cut his tail off. "GO'' I told the girl. She scrambled back and took off running.

The manticore turned around and tried to bite me. I dodged and slashed at him. He moved so that I missed. We continued like this until he left an opening. I jumped up and landed on his back. He bucked, trying to throw me off and making it so that I couldn't stab him. Eventually he realized I wasn't going to fall off so he paused bucking and I took the opportunity to stab him and jump off. I landed in a roll and jumped back up. Not even looking to see if the manticore turned into dust, I took off towards Nico's direction.

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