Chapter 6

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Percy's pov

By the time i had finished telling Emma about the gods and demigods

and stuff it was dinner time. Oh I hope they have cake for dessert oooo or maybe cookies. Hopefully they are blue. AHH STUPID ADHD!

During dinner Emma was really quiet. While me and Leo were debating if pegasi or dragons are better Emma stood up and said, "Im tired im gonna go to bed." "Ok" I said, knowing that this had been a stressful day for her.

Emma's pov

As I was eating dinner I thought about what Percy had told me. Mainly I thought about one thing in particular. The Big Four. I thought about my magic and how Hecate was one of the big four and was the goddess of magic. Percy had said that there were no known children of Hecate. Later that night in my room I felt like reading so I got up and walked to the bookshelf that was in my room. It was empty but that's how I like it because that means that I can conjure up any book I want. Right now I'm reading a series called Keeper of the Lost cities. It's actually one of my favorite series.

Third person pov.

The days on the ship went by very quickly and soon they were at camp half blood.

Back to Emma's pov

When we started to slow down I realized we were at camp. At the moment I was in my room on the ship, reading. I got up and went on deck to see the 7 standing in a huddle talking. I slowly walked closer and heard, "Percy I know you trust her but what if she's a spy. I mean she won't tell us anything about her past." I thought for a moment and realized it was Annabeth who said that. "No Annabeth, you can trust her. I grew up with her. I know everything about her and she's had a rough life. Not in the same way we did but emotionally and a tiny bit physically." When he said this I knew what he was talking about. When he said emotionally he meant Emily and my parents. When he said physically he meant my magic. "Percy, can you tell us a little bit about her?" Piper asked "No. im sorry but I can't. she will tell you when she feels ready."

All of a sudden I heard a voice from right behind me. "So you're the newbie." I shrieked and whipped around punching a kid in the jaw and making him fall. "Ouch." he said, "You have a strong punch, almost as strong as Percy's." By now the 7 had figured out I was here and were walking over. Piper and Jason helped the kid up. "Hey death breath." Percy said. "Why are you on the floor?" "She punched me,'' the kid said. "Em, why did you punch him?" Percy said, turning to me.

"He sneaked up on me!! It's in instinct you of all people should know that, Perce." when he nodded I turned around to apologize to the kid but everyone was looking at me weirdly. "What?" I asked. "Why should he of all people know that?" Leo asked. "Umm we have been like brother and sister since we were 6 so naturally he has tried to sneak up and scare me multiple times and each time he ended up with a huge bruise." I answered.

"Yea remember two years ago when I showed up at camp at the beginning of summer and had a huge bruise on my jaw? Yea that wasn't a monster like i said, that was her. I had tried to sneak up on her to say goodbye and tell her I was going to camp but it didn't work." Percy said to them. I laughed, "HA it never works." By now the whole group's jaws were on the floor. "Yea remember the time we wrestled and you won?" He said. "Yea" "so the next day know how i had to go to camp?" "Yes," I said again. "I had to tell everyone I had gotten attacked by a group of hellhounds."

After a few more stories of how I beat Percy in all sorts of stuff I looked back at the group. They were staring at us like we were marshians, their gazes going back and forth between me and him. The faces they were making reminded me of the face the baboons had made when we were 10 and we had gone on a field trip to a zoo. I started laughing and Percy gave me a confused look so I pointed at them and said "LOOK.......AT....THEIR....FACES..." I said in between laughs. Percy turned around to look at them and then proceeded to also start laughing.

Pipers pov

I guess our faces might have been a little funny since we were all so shocked she could beat percy in wrestling and all sorts of stuff without being trained but there was no way it was that funny. Once they had calmed down they both looked at us. "Sorry," Percy said, "Your faces just brought back a memory from when we were 10." "It-Its fine." Annabeth said. "So anyways, who's the goth kid?" Emma said. "Emma this is Nico or death breath. He doesn't trust very easily so I advise you don't call him a death breath yet." Hazel said. Emma and Hazel had become really good friends while on the boat.

~Time skip backwards~

Nico's pov

When Jason,Annabeth,Piper,Leo,Hazel,and Frank left to go pick up Percy I had a feeling that something was up. I shook the feeling off and traveled to my dad's palace. "Nico." my dad said. "We have a problem." "What is it?" I asked, "17 years ago a spirit went through the doors of death." He said, "She returned to a mother's womb but it wasn't her original mother, her mother was a goddess. When the spirit had left I didn't notice till it was too late, but the day she left the underworld there was a prophecy I'm not going to tell you now but know that it said we will need her on our side, but her birthday is in three weeks and she is turning 18. When she does she will get all her memories back." "Yes father, but one thing, what's her name?" I asked. He just stared into my eyes. "Emma"

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