Chapter 22

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     3rd pov

The day of the funeral was busy for a lot of people but not everyone. Percy Jackson was sitting on his bed in his cabin thinking about his parents. In his arms he was holding a little baby girl named Atlanta Jackson. She was sleeping at the moment. Percy was wearing a black tux with a sea green tie and black dress shoes. Atlanta was wearing a gray dress with white socks and black dress shoes that fit perfectly on her tiny feet.

Outside the cabin his friends talked quietly. "This is really going to change him." A girl with brown hair and blue eyes said. "I know but maybe taking care of his little sister will help." Said a different girl with blond hair and green eyes. "Yeah but Emily, you and I were tasked with helping him. We can't if he doesn't let us." The first girl said. "Emma, we need to give him some time and space for a couple more days." Emily said. "Fine." Emma grumbled.

Deep in the ocean, standing in Atlantis was Poseidon, sitting in his castle. He was sad. He was allowed to go to the funeral but he had to pretend he was just a friend of Sally. The mortals in the family were going to be there so none of the other gods were allowed to come. He was wearing a black tux with a navy blue tie. He was thinking about how Sally asked him to be the father Percy never had. It would be hard because of the ancient laws but he would make it happen. As he was sitting there a soldier came in. "My lord, It is time for the funeral." "Okay." He answered. The soldier left the room as Poseidon stood up and flashed to Brooklyn, New york.

Percy met up with Emma and Emily at Thalia's pine tree. Emily knew there was no point in asking but she did anyway, "You gonna be okay?" She asked Percy. He sighed, "I really don't know." They got in the camp van and drove to Brooklyn botanical gardens. When they got there they were the only ones there. The place was beautiful. On their right there was a pond with a stone bridge hanging over it. The grass was bright green and the bushes on their left were also bright green but with spots of bright color.

Slowly people started to trickle in and give Percy their sympathy. He didn't want their sympathy though.

The funeral went past in a blur and he found himself standing alone on top of his mothers grave. "Mom, what am I going to do?" He whispered. He fell to his knees in his mothers grave, tracing his hand along the writing. "Don't give up." he whispered as he read the words inscribed on the tombstone. "I won't mom. I won't." He answered himself. He got up and went to find Emily as he knew she would have his sister.

~time skip~

A week had passed and Throughout that week Percy had barely talked. He hadn't eaten much and was usually either shut in his cabin or hacking at dummies. There had been two monster attacks and each time the campers helped decimate the monsters. On both attacks Percy would come out of his cabin, help destroy them, and as soon as there were no more monsters he would walk back into his cabin or the arena.

Frank pov

Hazel, Jason, and I haven't been at CHB since before Percy's parents died which means we also hadn't seen them in a while. We had been at Camp Jupiter the day of the funeral for Percy's parents. We were still trying to rebuild a few things so we couldn't make it. Afterwards I IM'd the greeks of the seven except for Percy and each time they told me he wasn't getting better. They said he was getting worse and they needed help.

Finally I was able to get away from working at camp and went with Hazel and Jason, through the portal and found Piper, Leo, Emma, Emily, Calypso and Annabeth waiting for us. "Thank the gods you're here." Annabeth said. We greeted everyone and then Annabeth explained the situation.

"He barely eats. He never talks and the only people allowed in his cabin are Me, Emma, and Emily." Annabeth started.

"If he's not in his cabin he's in the arena slashing at everything he can." Leo continued.

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