Chapter 15

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Shadow/Emma pov

As I woke up I saw a figure leaning over me. It was blurry so I wasn't sure who it was but my vision slowly came into focus. It was Reaper. I shot up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Reaper your alive!!" I said. "Uh Yeah." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. "But you're the one that almost died." I untangled myself from him and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Right." I said. I decided I wasn't going to tell them about my dream. "Anyways, how long was i out?" I asked. "Only like five minutes." It was Trident who answered but he was looking at Reaper who wouldn't look at anyone and was watching the ground. I looked at Trident and raised an eyebrow. He just shrugged but he had a slight knowing smile.

"Cool, new record." I said to break the silence. "But my arm is killer and my whole body hurts. I wouldn't be surprised if I can't walk for... Bob, how much farther?" I asked. "About four hours." He said "Four hours" I finished "Then what are we gonna do?" Bolt asked. I whistled. "Well we fly of course." I said. At that moment Alpha, Slayer, Destroyer, and θυσία (Which means sacrifice) came flying towards us. When they landed they walked towards their respective owners "Hey buddy, been a while." I said petting Alpha.

I looked at Bolt who was being nuzzled by Sacrifice, then I looked at Trident who was playing with slayer, and then I looked at Reaper who was just petting Destroyer. They all looked so happy. We hadn't seen our thestrals since we needed more materials for clothes about ten tartarus years ago.

I turned back to Alpha. "Alpha, I need you to go get two more thestrals for Bob and Damasen. Okay?" I said he nodded and flew away. A couple minutes later he came back with two more thestrals. They were bigger than any of our thestrals and seemed the perfect size for the titan and giant. "Thanks." I said. Alpha just nodded his head.

We flew for three more hours. About four furies attacked us, but we killed them relatively quickly. We flew for another half an hour when we started hearing growls and roars. Slowly we started making out the shapes of thousands of monsters. Trident groaned "Not again." he muttered.

"Alpha lets touch down okay?" The thestral nodded and we touched down on the ground with everyone else following our example. "Okay we need a plan to get by all those monsters." Bolt stated. "Well I can cover us with the mist." I volunteered. "That's good, but how long can you hold it?" She asked. "Well if it's the whole body long enough to get us past half of the monsters." I answered.

"Wait what if we fly over them?" Trident asked. "What do you mean?" Reaper said. "Well Shadow said if it's the whole body only half but what if she just covers the bottom," he answered. They all looked at me. "Yeah if it's just the bottom I should be able to cover us the whole way." "Good. Do you think you'll have enough energy to cover our whole bodies once we drop down in front of the doors?" Bolt said. I thought about it, "Maybe." I said. "If you can't, it's fine we can fight them off. Don't push yourself over the edge." I heard Reaper say in my head.I turned to look at him and gave him a small smile as I nodded slightly. "So we got the plan?" I said turning back to the group. I made eye contact with everyone, putting my hand out in the middle of our circle. "We got this." I said confidently, but in reality I don't know if I can hold the mist that long.

We got on our Thestrals and flew into the air. I had to close my eyes to concentrate on covering us so that if the monsters looked up they wouldn't see us. We flew silently, not daring to talk. We slowed down as we got closer to the doors. By now I was sweating profusely and couldn't do anything but concentrate on the mist covering us. "Shadow you ready?" I heard in my head. I couldn't send a message back so i just nodded my head


I was sweating even more now.


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