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This is literally one of the first fan fictions I've ever written, it doesn't make sense it multiple areas and it's really cringe, so uh.. read with caution I guess lmao

Also if you know me irl, no you don't 😗

Akaashi never thought so much about soulmates. His mother always told him about the story of the 'Red Thread of Fate' but he never believed it. He couldn't possibly believe that a string is just going to magically appear on his finger, connecting to his soulmate.

"Are you excited, Keiji?" Akane said from the other side of the dining table.

"For what?" Akaashi said.

"You're turning 16 tomorrow! It's such a big deal."

"Oh right, yeah I guess.. It's nothing too important." He said, looking down at his empty dinner plate.

"Are you kidding me, Keiji? Have a little more enthusiasm please! It's your 16th birthday! Plus you never know, maybe you'll get that special string around your finger."

Akaashi wasn't too psyched about his birthdays or anything. Especially his 16th. He knew it was a special day, as it was basically one small step closer to his adulthood. But he just thought there was no point in celebrating. Plus he didn't want to cause anybody any fuss.

Same with the red string. He just thought that was a lie that parents told their kids to convince them that they'll eventually find love someday.

"I'm going to bed, love you." Akaashi said as he got up and placed a kiss on his mother's forehead, and walked upstairs.

He flopped on his bed and groaned into his pillow.

"If the team throws me a party in the gym I will literally spike a volleyball into their faces.." Akaashi mumbled to himself as he got up to get changed.

Soon after he got into comfortable clothes, he climbed into bed and went to sleep, hoping that tomorrow will actually be a good day.

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