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Yeah, so I edited this part because I was really unhappy with it. It kinda just felt unrealistic. And I'm also probably just gonna rewrite this whole story because 1, I have nothing better to do, and 2, because this story is honestly so shitty, it doesn't make any sense. And the whole topic of it was supposed to be the strings, but there's barely any context or scenarios that actually involve the strings, they're usually at the end of the chapter and don't fit in to any of the things that happened beforehand.

So.. Yeah! :D

Btw, Terushima's friend is made up, I didn't want to use anybody from the Johzenji Volleyball team.


Akaashi was disturbed from his sleep when a small ray of sunshine peeked through his curtains.

God, what time is it..?

He reached his hand over to the nightstand to grab his phone, not moving from his current position.

"Fuck!" Akaashi yelled, quickly sitting up and reading the messages that were on his phone.

Text message - Terushima:
Hey beautiful, hope you slept well. Just
to let you know that I'm coming to pick you
up at 11:30. So be ready by then! -9:58am

Akaashi looked back up to the top of the screen, checking the time. It read 11:10am

Shit! I only have 20 minutes!! Why did I wake up so late!?

He pounced out of bed and headed to his closet, grabbing a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. He quickly changed then ran to the bathroom and fixed his hair, which was a mess. Also throwing water in his face to wake him up in the process. Soon after, Akaashi ran downstairs and poured some cereal into a bowl, then grabbed the milk out of the fridge and poured it in.

He checked the time again, realising that he had plenty of time to spare, so he sat down on the couch and played on his phone while eating his cereal.

After about 5 minutes, Akaashi heard a knock on his door. He ran to the sink and threw his bowl in, along with his spoon. After checking that everything was clean, he made his way over to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Terushima." Akaashi said with a small smile.

He looked at Terushima up and down. He was wearing black ripped jeans with a grey t-shirt and a red coat. (Based off of some art I saw)

Akaashi blushed at the sight of Terushima. He could tell that he had good taste in style, for sure.


"Would you like to come in?" He said, signalling Terushima to come inside.

"Sure." Terushima walked inside and headed over to the couch and took a seat.

"Make yourself at home, do you want anything to drink?"

"No thanks." Terushima said as he glanced around the room.

"Your house is really nice, 'Kaashi! Where are your parents?" He asked

"Oh, my mom is at work and my dad.. Well, he passed away when I was young." Akaashi looked down.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked, that was really insensitive of me."

"No no! It's completely fine! Me and my mom moved on from it I guess.. We still do really miss him, but I mean.. Life goes on, right?" Akaashi chuckled.

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