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"Hey mom, I'm home!" Akaashi yelled as he walked in the door. Nobody answered

"Mom?" He yelled again, then walked into every room, not finding his mother anywhere.

He pulled out his phone and dialed her number.

"Hey Keiji, sorry I'm working a bit late tonight. I'll probably be home after you fall asleep so make yourself some dinner."

"Ah- Alright, love you. Stay safe."

"Love you too, Honey. Bye."

Akaashi hung up and walked upstairs, throwing his phone onto his bed and changing into some  comfortable clothes. Then went back downstairs again to make some food.

He cooked some noodles and sat at the table, feeling a bit lonely that his mom isn't there to annoy him.

After he finished, he walked back upstairs to check his phone.

Terushima: I assume that's a no? That's Alright, sleep well. Goodnight.😘-7:15pm

Akaashi sighed and went onto his contacts. He pressed Terushima's name and let it ring. He expected him to not pick up, but within a few seconds, he did.

"Hey, you actually called! I didn't expect that."

"Yeah.. I mean I have nothing else to do, so.."

"Nice! Alright, where to start.."

The two spent a few hours talking about the most random topics. Akaashi could tell that Terushima was the type of playful person.. Kind of like Bokuto.

Thinking about him made his heart break. Knowing that he's going to ask Yukie to the dance is killing him. Sometimes he just wants to tell him that he can't date Yukie, and can only hang around Akaashi. But of course, Akaashi would never admit it. He wasn't the selfish type at all.

Terushima took Akaashi's mind off of the situation for a while. He can admit that Terushima is a really good listener, hearing Akaashi out when he was talking about some of his problems. He could tell he was a good person.

"Alright Terushima-san, I have to go now.. My mom will be home any minute now."

"Damn.. Alright, also Akaashi.. You can call me Terushima if you want, the 'san' isn't necessary."

Akaashi laughed.

"Alright, Terushima. Goodnight."

"Night, Beautiful."

Akaashi ended the call and went onto messages, realising that Bokuto texted him during his call.


Text messages - Bokuto-san

AKaAAShI!!!! I can't ask her! -9:52pm

I can't do it! -9:52pm

She won't accept it, I know
she won't! -9:52pm

She probably hates me, but just
hides it. -9:53pm

Girls are really good at hiding their feelings.. -9:53pm

I need help AkaaashiiI!!!! -9:55pm

How do I confess to her without hating me!? -9:55pm

Akaashi? -9:56pm

You'd usually respond by now, are you okay? -9:59pm

Are you in trouble?! -10:05pm

I'm coming over, Akaashi! -10:07pm


Akaashi looked at the time on top of the screen.

He only sent that a few minutes ago, does that mean he-

He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a little peck on his window.

He walked over to it and lifted up his curtains, showing a blackened figure standing on his front lawn, throwing little rocks at his window.

Akaashi pointed down, signalling the person to go to the front door, he quickly ran downstairs.

He opened the door and yelled. "Bokuto-san, what the hell are you doing here?! It's late!"

Bokuto stepped into Akaashi's house, showing himself under the light. He was wearing some tracksuit pants and a grey hoodie. It was basic, but of course Bokuto pulled it off.

"You didn't answer any of my texts, I was worried! You usually respond straight away!"

"Bokuto-san, you do realise that I have other things to do, right? Things like, oh I don't know, sleep!?"

Bokuto frowned.

"Alright fine.. Now that I see you're okay, I'll just leave." Bokuto started walking back outside, until a hand stopped him.

"It's too late now, just stay here for the night." Akaashi sighed, dragging him inside and closing the door behind him.

"Will your mom mind?" Bokuto asked, staring into Akaashi's sleepy eyes.

"She loves you, Bokuto-san, I'm sure she won't mind.."

Bokuto laughed, hugging the half asleep boy in front of him.

"I'm sorry." Bokuto mumbled into Akaashi's shoulder.

"It's alright.. come on, we need to sleep, we have school tomorrow."

Bokuto followed Akaashi up the stairs and into his bedroom. He's been to Akaashi's house, and been in Akaashi's room, multiple times. So he was comfortable with doing his own thing.

Bokuto flopped down onto Akaashi's bed, groaning into the bedsheets.

"Scoot over." Akaashi said, laying down next to Bokuto.

He rolled over, changing his position so he was laying on his back instead of his stomach.

"Can I talk to you about Yukie?" Bokuto asked.

"Can we just go to sleep?"

"AkaaashiiiI!!" He whispered.

"Goodnight, Bokuto-san.." Akaashi said as he pulled the bed cover over himself and Bokuto, who was lying about 3 inches away from him.

"Fine.. Goodnight, 'Kaashi.."

Akaashi turned over to face the opposite way of Bokuto, as he didn't want to sleep face to face with him. He could feel his warm breath on his back.

I don't want to lose him..

A tear rolled down Akaashi's cheek, falling onto the mattress beneath him.

I have to tell him soon..

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