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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everybody yelled at the top of their lungs, making Akaashi jump.

"Jesus christ, guys! You almost gave me a heart attack." Akaashi said as he walked into the gymnasium, which was filled with balloons and party streamers.

"AGAAAASHIIIII!!" Someone came running in, jumping onto Akaashi.

"Hi to you too, Bokuto-san." Akaashi said, wrapping his arms around his friend's muscular build.

"Happy birthday!! I got you something!" Bokuto handed Akaashi a bag, and inside was a small owl plushie.

Bokuto put his hand on the back of his neck.

"It kinda reminded me of myself, so I thought I'd get it for you!"

"Thank you Bokuto-san.." Akaashi looked at the plushie and blushed, it did indeed look like Bokuto. From the golden eyes to the white fur (like Bokuto's hair), and the playful expression on the small owl's face.

"Uh guys, we're still here you know..?" Konoha said, walking behind Bokuto.

"Right! Thank you guys so much, I appreciate the effort you put into it, although you didn't really need to at all.."

"Akaashi, you're our vice captain AND our best friend, of course we're gonna celebrate!" Komi said, walking up to the 3 boys.

"I guess you're right." Akaashi laughed, then looked over to the court.

"You guys wanna play some 2 on 2?"


"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi yelled as he set the ball over to the left.

Bokuto jumped up and hit it with a great force, slamming it into the ground.

"HEY HEY HEYYYY!!! Akaashi did you see that!?" Bokuto yelled

"Yes I did, Bokuto-san."

"Alright, I say we pack up and head to class, it's already quarter to 9." Konoha said, grabbing the ball off the floor and throwing it into the basket, which held the rest of the volleyballs.

"Akaashi, What class do you have?" Bokuto asked

Akaashi grabbed his timetable and looked through it.


"Dammit, I've got Biology."  Bokuto said, putting his head down.

"Why are you upset? We're a year apart, Bokuto-san.. we wouldn't have classes together anyway." Akaashi giggled.

"Agaaaashhhiii!!!! Why do you have to be 1 year younger than me! That means I'll be graduating, and you'll have to set for someone else!" he cried

"Bokuto, there's no need to be upset. You'll always be the best person I've ever set to."

Bokuto pouted while looking into Akaashi's ocean blue eyes.

"Plus, you're only a second year, you wont be graduating for a while." Akaashi said, looking at the clock on the wall

"We better start walking, we're gonna be late." Akaashi picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder, soon walking out of the door.

"Akaashi!! wait for me!"


I'm reading this again and I'm starting to realise how stupid it is. I've made Bokuto a second year and Akaashi a first year (because he's 16 in this story) but I never stopped to think about the whole captain and vice captain thing. I don't think it's possible for a second year to be captain and a first year to be vice captain.

I would say to just ignore it, but honestly, I can't even ignore it myself. So I'm sorry for that.

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