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Bokuto's POV:

Bokuto's eyes widened as Yukie answered his question, a question he'd been dying to get out for years..

"I'm really sorry, Bokuto.. I really like you, I do.. But I can tell that you don't really like me as much as you think you do.."

"What do you mean..?" Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows.

"The way you look at Akaashi.. And the way you talk about him to me every time we hang out.. I can tell that you have feelings for him.. You don't look at anybody else that way."

"Because he's my best friend..? Of course I'd look at him differently, and of course I'd talk about him a lot, I mean, we spend basically all of our time hanging out or texting!"

"Bokuto, how do you feel when Akaashi enters a room, or when you're talking to him?"

Bokuto thought to himself for a few seconds. Whenever Akaashi entered the room, he got butterflies in his stomach. He felt like he was about to puke, not in a bad way though.. He wanted to stay by his side forever. Whenever college or graduation came up in his mind or was mentioned, he'd only think about the fact that he'd have to leave Akaashi behind. He felt like being with him forever would be the only thing that could make him happy.

He stayed silent while Yukie smiled and got up from her seat.

"I suggest you confess to him, Bokuto.."

"He wouldn't like me.. Never in his life."

"Are you sure about that..? Kenma told me before we went in that he was going to confess to you tonight."

"What?" Bokuto perked his head up.

"Go talk to him, tell him your feelings.."

Bokuto got up and hugged Yukie. Thanking her a million times for helping him realise his true feelings about his best friend.

He quickly ran inside, over to Kuroo and the other boys.

"Where's Akaashi?" He asked.

"He ran off crying." Terushima said.

"Fuck! Which way?!"

"Out into the buildings, I don't know." Kuroo said, uncertain of where the upset boy went.

"You guys are no help!"

Bokuto quickly ran back out, and searched around the whole school, except one place.

A cherry blossom tree at the back of the school, Akaashi and Bokuto always used to go there every day after practice, until Akaashi was too focussed on his grades and Bokuto got held up with volleyball.

Bokuto walked over to the tree, and saw a boy sitting down, his back against the tree, curled up in a ball.

He got close enough to hear the soft sobs Akaashi was letting out.

Akaashi's POV:

Akaashi was curled up against a cherry blossom tree at the back of the school. The tree was a special place, as he and Bokuto used to go there every day after practice, until they stopped because they were too busy to just sit down and chat.

He was sobbing, the thought in his mind that Bokuto and Yukie were sitting in front of the sunset, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes.

His thoughts stopped when he looked up to see Bokuto standing a few metres in front of him.

"Hey, 'Kaashi.." Bokuto walked over and sat beside Akaashi.

"Where's Yukie..?" Akaashi sniffled.

"That doesn't matter right now.. Are you alright..? And don't tell me you're okay, because you're clearly not.. Tell me what's wrong." Bokuto turned his head to face Akaashi.

"I.." Akaashi stayed silent.

He then felt a pair of arms around him. He sank into Bokuto's chest, sighing.

"Akaashi.." Bokuto pulled away, staring into Akaashi's blue eyes. Bokuto's face illuminated off of the orange sunset, it was breath-taking, Akaashi could stare at it for hours and never get bored.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner.."

"What do you mean..?"

"Yukie rejected me." Bokuto looked down.

"What..?" Akaashi leaned back a little, trying to process the words that just came out of Bokuto's mouth.

"She told me that I didn't really like her.. That I liked somebody else.." Bokuto paused.

"She was right."

Akaashi looked down at Bokuto's hand.

"But the string..?"

"I didn't care about the string!"

"Akaashi, I didn't even realise what I felt, I was so dumb I didn't even realise my own feelings. Truth is, whenever you're around, I just feel all wobbly and weird, I get butterflies in my stomach when you're near me. I want to stand by you forever, even if that means not going to college."


"Akaashi.." Bokuto looked up into Akaashi's eyes.

"I love you."

Akaashi sat there frozen, looking at Bokuto like he was crazy or something. It finally hit him, Bokuto loved him.

"I love you too.."

The two boys smiled at each other. Bokuto cupped Akaashi's cheek with his hand, and rubbed his tears off.

They were both leaning in, inches apart from each other.

"Get a room!"

Akaashi jumped back and looked at the person standing in front of them.

"Terushima, fuck off!" Akaashi yelled.

"Woah- calm dow-"

Terushima stopped as a small rock hit his cheek.

"OW!! Jesus!"

Bokuto giggled, soon joined by Akaashi.

Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's hand and quickly kissed him on the cheek, causing both of them to blush.

"We should go back."


The 3 boys walked back to the gymnasium together, Bokuto and Akaashi not letting go of the other's hand.

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